Search Engine Optimization/Google

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Google SEO

Google holds over 60% of the total search market[1]. Its algorithm is naturally also unique, so ranking on Google carries its own unique considerations. Although there are over 200 criteria Google uses to rank sites, they can be categorized into two main sections: on-site and off-site factors:

Google values sites that deliver quality content, relevance, easy navigation and load and an overall user-friendliness to the site’s visitors (on-site). However, a site’s popularity is heavily weighted when Google ranks sites (off-site). Thus Google was originally designed to rank sites mostly based on the number of inbound links they were receiving from other sites. In other words, the more site A was used as a “reference” the higher it would rank. Anchored text links used to link to site A are also very important as well as the popularity and the relevance of the site that is referencing site A.