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Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Text Class Collection > Newspaper Clip Image Access Mechanisms > ArticleClips

ArticleClips Table Schema

        CREATE TABLE ArticleClips (
           idno      varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           artid     varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           artseq    varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           title     varchar(250) default NULL,
           id        varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           seq       varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           relseq    varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           pageid    varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           pageseq   varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
           pagelabel varchar(250) default NULL,
         ) TYPE=MyISAM;

        ALTER TABLE ArticleClips ADD INDEX idno (idno (50));
        ALTER TABLE ArticleClips ADD INDEX artid (id (50));

This table corresponds to the XML DIV structure as follows:

        idno      ->  [<IDNO TYPE="apex">(.*?)</IDNO>]       idno
        artid     ->  [<DIV1 ID="(.*?) ...>]                 article id
        artseq    ->  [<DIV1 ... NODE=".*?:(\d+)]"]          article seq
        title     ->  [<DIV1 ...><BIBL><TITLE>(.*?)</TITLE>] title
        id        ->  [<DIV2 REF="(.*?) ...>]                clip id (and filename)
        seq       ->  [<DIV2 SEQ="(.*?) ...>]                absolute clip seq
        relseq    ->  [<DIV2 ... ".*?:seq\.(\d+)"]           relative clip seq
        pageid    ->  [<DIV2 PGREF="(.*?) ...>]              page id
        pageseq   ->  [<DIV2 PGSEQ="(.*?) ...>]              page seq
        pagelabel ->  [<DIV2 N="(.*?) ...>]                  page label (N)


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