Mounting a Bib Class Collection

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Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Bib Class Collection



Description and History of BibClass
Cheat sheet for BibClass elements
UM-specific BibClass data processing | Another version

Examples of BibClass Implementations and Practices

Representative resources
OAI harvesting system
broker20: An OAI-compliant metadata server
sru: Providing SRU access to BibClass collections

Working with the BibClass DTD

Working with the BibClass DTD contains the following sections:

Preparing BibClass Data

Building the BibClass Index

Mounting a BibClass Collection Online

Customizing BibClass

Testing BibClass

Linking from BibClass Using ID Resolver (nameresolver)

nameresolver: For building persistent URLs

Workshop Materials

You can find the existing workshop materials at


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