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Revision as of 22:36, 16 August 2007 by Tburtonw (Talk | contribs)
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 package SamplefaFC;

    # enable strict under development
    if ( $ENV{'DLPS_DEV'} )
        require "";

 use FindaidClass;;

 use vars qw( @ISA );
 @ISA = qw( FindaidClass );

 use CGI;

 use DlpsUtils qw( :DEFAULT );

 sub _initialize
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $collid, $cio, $optionalArgsHashRef ) = @_;

    $self->SUPER::_initialize( @_ );

    # Not necessary to subclass this item unless there are other outline
    # heads that are desired
    $self->SetSelfKeyInfo( 'tocheads' =>
                            'bioghist-t'      =>  {
                                                   'collection' =>    qq{Biography},
                                                   'recordgrp' => qq{History},
                            'controlaccess-t' => qq{Subject Terms},
                            'frontmatter-t'   => qq{Title Page},
                            'arrangement-t'   => qq{Arrangement},
                            'scopecontent-t'  => qq{Collection Scope and  Content Note},
                            'summaryinfo-t'   => qq{Summary Information},
                            'contentslist-t'  => qq{Contents List},
                            'admininfo-t'     => qq{Access and Use},

 # no <descgrp type="add"> in the few files used as samplefa, so
 # remove from hash

 #                            'add-t'           => qq{Additional Descriptive Data},


 # return truth

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