System Requirements

From DLXS Documentation

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Supported platforms

We currently develop and/or deploy live material on these platforms:

  1. Solaris SPARC 2.6 or higher
  2. Fedora Core 1 or higher

Disk space requirements

  1. DLXS Middleware: 50 MB to store the libraries and programs that make up the working DLXS system.
  2. Content: This varies dramatically according to the amount and format of your material. For a collection of significant scale, the storage requirements will be dominated by the number of page images and/or continuous tone images--SGML and metadata are quite small in comparison. DLXS allows you to store the middleware and the content in different locations to simplify system administration.
  3. Required capabilities and software
    1. Root access (to change aspects of the environment, e.g., directory and file permissions, web server configuration, etc.)
    2. Perl 5.8.8 or higher.
    3. The following Perl modules that are not part of the base Perl distribution (where versions are given, DLXS requires that version or higher):

Module Version
Apache::Session 1.80
DBD:mysql 3.0002
DBI 1.50
Mail::Mailer 1.74
Net::hostent 1.01
XML::LibXSLT 1.58
XML::LibXML 1.58
TEXT::CSV 0.29

Note that XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT are now required for all classes except BibClass. Currently, the BibClass user interface is not based on XSL.

    1. A web server that supports Apache sessions. We recommend Apache 1.3.34 or higher.
    2. OpenSP 1.5 or higher (for using the supplied tools to prepare SGML and/or XML content for delivery via DLXS).

Optional components

  • For database management
  1. MySQL for Image Class metadata version 4.1. MySQL client must also be version 4.1 or newer. Use of MySQL for Image Class requires MySQL to be used with Collmgr as well.
  2. MySQL for storing session data and/or collection data (Collmgr).
  • For page image viewing
  1. c42pdf for displaying TIFF images in PDF format (free)
  2. tif2web for displaying TIFF images in GIF and/or PNG format (free). Note that we distribute the Linux and Solaris binaries for tif2web version 1.0.4.
  3. For page image viewing using the MDP Pageturner you will need the ImageMagick-6.2.2 libraries and the Perl bindings to the ImageMagick API in the Image::Magick package.
  • For JPEG2000-compressed continuous tone image viewing
  1. a JPEG2000 encoding tool such as kdu_compress that supports batch encoding of images (provided to DLXS subscribers and readily available at Kakadu Software)
  2. kdu_expand for expanding and displaying JPEG2000-compressed images (provided to DLXS subscribers and readily available at Kakadu Software)
  3. cjpeg for use in conjunction with kdu_expand for JPEG2000 web delivery (available as part of libjpeg)
  • For MrSID-compressed continuous tone image viewing
  1. a MrSID encoding product such as MrSIDGeo that supports batch encoding of images (not free)
  2. mrsid_retrieve for displaying MrSID-encoded images in JPEG format (free)

We appreciate hearing from you if you encounter other system requirements. Please contact the author for additions and suggestions.

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