Findaid Class Processing Instructions

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Processing Instructions (PIs) are used in FindaidClass XML templates. They are replaced by the running cgi with valid XML, sometimes a simple string (e.g., a URL, or a text string), sometimes with a complex node of XML elements. (For more information about PIs, see <a href="../../ui/index.html#templates"> XML Templates / Processing Instructions.</a>)

For example the PI <?BOOKBAG_LINK_XML?> is replaced by the cgi with a URL such as

The PI <?RESULTS?> is replaced by the cgi with something like

<corpname source="lcnaf" encodinganalog="110">
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
<unittitle encodinganalog="245">
A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Michigan), records
<unitdate type="inclusive" era="ce" calendar="gregorian" encodinganalog="245$f">1878-1999</unitdate>
<extent encodinganalog="300">
54.5 linear feet, 1 oversized box, and 1 flat file drawer.
Teaching and research unit of the University of Michigan established in 1906 as a part of the Department of Engineering and as an independent college in 1931. Records include dean's administrative files and correspondence, committee minutes, background files and reports relating to accreditation, topical files, faculty portraits and other photographs, and architectural drawings. There is some material relating to alumnus Raoul Wallenberg and various programs honoring him.
<unitid type="call number" countrycode="us" repositorycode="MiU-H" encodinganalog="099">8782 Bimu C181;2</unitid>
The materials are in
<language langcode="eng" encodinganalog="041">English.</language>
<corpname encodinganalog="852">
<subarea>Bentley Historical Library</subarea>
University of Michigan
<extptr linktype="simple" href="bhladd" show="embed" actuate="onload"/>
<HitRegion>Entire Finding Aid</HitRegion>


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