Mounting a Finding Aids Collection

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Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Finding Aids Collection

This topic describes how to mount a Findaid Class collection.

Workshop materials are located here.




Overview of Data Preparation and Indexing Steps

Data Preparation

  1. [#DataPrepStep1 validating the files individually] against the EAD 2002 DTD
    make validateeach
  2. [#DataPrepStep2 concatenating the files into one larger XML file]
    make prepdocs
  3. [#DataPrepStep3 validating the concatenated file] against the dlxsead2002 DTD:
    make validate
  4. [#DataPrepStep4 "normalizing" the concatenated file.]
    make norm
  5. [#DataPrepStep5 validating the normalized concatenated file against the dlxsead2002 DTD]
    make validate

The end result of these steps is a file containing the concatenated EADs wrapped in a <COLL> element which validates against the dlxsead2002 and is ready for indexing:

<ead><eadheader><eadid>1</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>
<ead><eadheader><eadid>2</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>
<ead><eadheader><eadid>3</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>

WARNING! If are extra characters or some other problem with the part of the program that strips out the xml declaration and the docytype declearation the file will end up like:

baddata<ead><eadheader><eadid>1</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>
baddata<ead><eadheader><eadid>2</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>
baddata<ead><eadheader><eadid>3</eadid>...</eadheader>... content</ead>

In this case you will get "character data not allowed" or similar errors during the make validate step. You can troubleshoot by looking at the concatenated file and/or checking your original EADs.


  1. make singledd indexes words for texts that have been concatenated into on large file for a collection. This is the recommended process.
  2. make xml indexes the XML structure by reading the DTD. Validates as it indexes.
  3. make post builds and indexes fabricated regions based on the XPAT queries stored in the workshopfa.extra.srch file.

Working with the EAD

Findaid Class Behaviors Overview

Preparing Data and Directories

Character Issues

Encoding Issues

Validating and Normalizing Your Data

Building the Index

Working with Fabricated Regions

Modifying Findaid Class Files

Mounting the Collection Online


Linking from Finding Aids Using ID Resolver

Workshop materials

Working with the User Interface

Findaid Class Graphics Files

Findaid Class Processing Instructions


Personal tools