Linking from Finding Aids Using ID Resolver

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Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Finding Aids Collection > Linking from Finding Aids Using ID Resolver

Findaid Class is coded so that if there is an href attribute to the <dao> element, it will check to see if it contains the string "http". If it does, FindaidClass will not us ID Resolver, but will create a link based on the content of the href attribute of the <dao>. If there is no "http" string in the href attribute, FindaidClass assumes that the href attribute is actully an id and will look up that id in in the idresolver and build a link if it finds the ID in the IDRESOLVER table. The method FilterAllDaos_XML in $DLXSROOT/cgi/f/findaid/ can be overridden per collection if different behavior is needed.

If you decide to use this feature, you will want to modify the preprocessing script which out-of-the-box inserts the string 'dao-bhl-' after the href. Below is an example of a Bentley <dao> where the id number is 91153-1.

<dao linktype="simple" href="91153-1" show="new" actuate="onrequest">
<p>[view selected images]</p>

The program would change this to:

<dao linktype="simple" href="dao-bhl-91153-1" show="new" actuate="onrequest">
<p>[view selected images]</p>

The ID resolver would look up the id "dao-bhl-91153-1" and replace it with the appropriate URL.

ID Resolver Data Transformation and Deployment

The ID Resolver is a CGI that takes as input a unique identifier and returns a URI. It is used, for example, by Harper's Weekly to link the text pages in Text Class middleware to the image pages in the Image Class middleware, and vice versa.

Plug something like the following in to your web browser and you should get something back. If you choose to test middleware on a development machine that uses the id resolver, make sure that the middleware on that machine is calling the resolver on the machine with the data, and not the resolver on the production server.

Information on how to set up the ID resolver


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