Installing and Upgrading the Database

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Main Page > Installing DLXS > Installing and Upgrading the Database

For brand new DLXS middleware installations, create a new MySQL database following these instructions:

MySQL configuration

For DLXS installations you will use MySQL as your data store. You should execute the following commands to create an empty database, user accounts, and access permissions required for use with DLXS middleware.

  1. Start the SQL monitor with the command mysql -u root -p mysql (you will be prompted for the MySQL system password).
  2. Create the DLXS database with the command create database dlxs;. Note that you should use the database name you chose when prompted for the name of the database during DLXS middleware installation rather than simply dlxs. We suggest you should choose a name that reflects the version number of the database delivered with the middleware release or perhaps the release number of the middleware.
  3. Create the dlxsadm (administrative) account and grant full privileges to it with the command grant all privileges on dlxs.* to dlxsadm identified by 'password';, where password is the password to be used for DLXS database administration.
  4. Grant FILE privilege to the dlxsadm account with the command grant file on *.* to dlxsadm;.
  5. Create the dlxs account and grant basic privileges to it with the command grant select,insert,update,delete,references on dlxs.* to dlxs identified by 'password';, where password is the password to be used for general DLXS database usage (such as from within the DLXS middleware).
  6. Activate the changes with the command flush privileges;.
  7. Exit the SQL monitor with the command quit.

After the database is created, the next step is to install the sample database data contained in $DLXSROOT/misc/db/db-dump-v6.0-release.sql.

Let dlxs_v6 be the database name you chose for this installation. Note that this is the database name you supplied at the prompt when you ran the Installer. Use the mysql command line client to load the dump file like this:

  % mysql -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v6 < $DLXSROOT/misc/db/db-dump-v6.0-release.sql

That's it!

Database upgrading

If you already have a DLXS database set up for an earlier release, make a copy of it and then upgrade the copy to support the newly installed DLXS release.

Let's say your current database is named dlxs_v5 and the new database will be named dlxs_v6. To make a copy of your current MySQL database and upgrade it:

Step 1
dump dlxs_v5 using
% mysqldump -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v5 > dlxs_v5_dump.sql
Step 2
create an empty dlxs_v6 database as described above in MySQL configuration
Step 3
load dlxs_v5_dump.sql into dlxs_v6
% mysql -u dlxsadm -p dlxs_v6 < dlxs_v5_dump.sql
Step 4
upgrade the copy of dlxs_v5 that you loaded into dlxs_v6
% $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_5_6

where $DLXSROOT is the root of the new DLXS release 13 installation. This means upgrade_5_6 will act on the database name you supplied when you installed release 13.

Upgrading across multiple database versions

If your existing database version is more than one version behind 6, run the $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_* scripts sequentially on the new database containing the dump of the earlier database version.

In this upgrade process, in your shell, $DLXSROOT must always be the root of the new DLXS release 13 installation. All previous upgrade_* scripts are included with each DLXS release.

For example, if you copied dlxs_v3 into dlxs_v6 you would run, in order: $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_3_4, $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_4_5 and finally $DLXSROOT/bin/db/upgrade_5_6 all from the release 13 install tree.

IMPORTANT NOTE when running upgrade_4_5
A file is missing from the release 13 CD and the .ISO file. In your release 13 install tree create this directory:
% mkdir -p $DLXSROOT/misc/db/ImageClassSampleData/version5

Download the following file from the DLXS web site and copy it into that directory:

For reference here are the DLXS release numbers and their corresponding database version numbers:

DLXS releasedatabase version
11, 11a4
12, 12a5
