From DLXS Documentation
Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Bib Class Collection > Testing BibClass > Bibtest.srch
## The following is a suite of test searches for BibClass ## middleware. It is designed to be run against the sample BibClass ## collection "samplebc", a collection of 4,769 records converted from ## USMARC format for the old University of Michigan Reports series. ## ## Significantly, this test suite lacks a test of searching multiple ## simultaneous indexes. When searching multiple simultaneous indexes, ## you may run into problems such as numbering, where (for example) the ## results numbering restarts in the second index when it should run ## continuously across the indexes. This omission will be corrected after ## test system is installed. ## ## Programmer procedures ## (1) Run these searches from the command-line on the UNIX system to generate ## numbers or reproduce the numbers provided here. Syntax is: ## xpat -e /{DLXSROOT}/idx/s/samplebc/samplebc.dd < /{DLXSROOT}/idx/s/samplebc/bibtest.srch ## (2) Run the following searches in the test interface to attempt to ## replicate the numbers you got from the command-line. This is typically something ## that can be delegated to other staff, preferably students. ######################################################################### # Searches to be conducted from the command-line # 1. Simple searches # 1.1. Simple search for a word with no truncation region A incl "rocket " # should produce 100 matches # # 1.2. Simple search for a word with truncation region A incl "rocket" # should produce 121 matches # # 1.3. Simple search for a word with an 8-bit character in the middle region A incl "f¸r " # should produce 1 match # # 1.4. Simple search for a word with an entity reference in the middle region A incl "Akademi&illig;&arlig;" # should produce 1 match # # 1.5. Simple search for word in author, with truncation region A incl (region L incl "bart") # should produce 54 matches # # 1.6. Simple search for word in author, no truncation region A incl (region L incl "bartman ") # should produce 43 matches # # 1.7. Simple search for word in title, no truncation # really need something that tests for words at end of field, like # "word</k>" but everything in UMR has period at end of title/author. region A incl (region K incl "rocket ") # should produce 32 matches # # 1.8. Simple search for word in title, with truncation region A incl (region K incl "rocket") # should produce 47 matches # ### # 2. Boolean searches (AND) # 2.1 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl "rocket") ^ (region A incl "sounding") # should produce 26 matches # # 2.2 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (no truncation) (region A incl "rocket ") ^ (region A incl "sounding ") # should produce 22 matches # # 2.3 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl "rocket") ^ (region A incl "sounding") ^ (region A incl "engineering") # should produce 16 matches # # 2.2 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (no truncation) (region A incl "rocket ") ^ (region A incl "sounding ") ^ (region A incl "engineering ") # should produce 12 matches # # 2.3 Boolean search with two words in fields (using truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment")) ^ (region A incl (region L incl "jones, l")) # should produce 3 matches # # 2.4 Boolean search with two words in fields (no truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment ")) ^ (region A incl (region L incl "jones, leslie ")) # should produce 1 match # # 2.5 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "bar")) ^ (region A incl (region L incl "jo")) ^ (region A incl "comp") # should produce 2 matches # # 2.6 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (no truncation for first two, and then truncation for last) (region A incl (region K incl "bar ")) ^ (region A incl (region L incl "joseph ")) ^ (region A incl "comparative") # should produce 1 match # ### # 3. Boolean searches (OR) # 3.1 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl "rocket") + (region A incl "sounding") # should produce 123 matches # # 3.2 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (no truncation) (region A incl "rocket ") + (region A incl "sounding ") # should produce 104 matches # # 3.3 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl "rocket") + (region A incl "sounding") + (region A incl "engineering") # should produce 3567 matches # # 3.2 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (no truncation) ((region A incl "rocket ") + (region A incl "sounding ")) ^ (region A incl "engineering ") # should produce 81 matches # # 3.3 Boolean search with two words in fields (using truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment")) + (region A incl (region L incl "jones, l")) # should produce 182 matches # # 3.4 Boolean search with two words in fields (no truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment ")) + (region A incl (region L incl "jones, leslie ")) # should produce 54 matches # # 3.5 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) ((region A incl "comp") + (region A incl (region K incl "bar"))) ^ (region A incl (region L incl "jo")) # should produce 75 matches # # 3.6 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using no truncation) ((region A incl (region L incl "joseph ")) + (region A incl (region L incl "jon "))) ^ (region A incl "comp") # should produce 13 matches # ### # 4. Boolean searches (NOT) # 4.1 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (using truncation) (region A incl "rocket") - (region A incl "sounding") # should produce 95 matches # # 4.2 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (no truncation) (region A incl "rocket ") - (region A incl "sounding ") # should produce 78 matches # # 4.3 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (using truncation) ((region A incl "rocket") ^ (region A incl "sounding")) - (region A incl "engineering") # should produce 10 matches # # 4.2 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (no truncation) ((region A incl "rocket ") + (region A incl "sounding ")) - (region A incl "engineering ") # should produce 23 matches # # 4.3 Boolean search with two words in fields (using truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment")) - (region A incl (region L incl "jones, l")) # should produce 161 matches # # 4.4 Boolean search with two words in fields (no truncation) (region A incl (region K incl "experiment ")) - (region A incl (region L incl "jones, leslie ")) # should produce 46 matches # # 4.5 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) ((region A incl "comp") + (region A incl (region K incl "bar"))) - (region A incl (region L incl "jo")) # should produce 975 matches # # 4.6 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) ((region A incl (region L incl "joseph ")) + (region A incl (region L incl "jon "))) - (region A incl "comp") # should produce 62 matches ### # 5. Boolean searches (NOT) with date limitations # 5.1 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (using truncation) ((region A incl "rocket") - (region A incl "sounding")) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 92 matches # # 5.2 Boolean search with two words anywhere in record (no truncation) ((region A incl "rocket ") - (region A incl "sounding ")) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 76 matches # # 5.3 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (using truncation) (((region A incl "rocket") ^ (region A incl "sounding")) - (region A incl "engineering")) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1956".."1970")) # should produce 6 matches # # 5.2 Boolean search with three words anywhere in record (no truncation) (((region A incl "rocket ") + (region A incl "sounding ")) - (region A incl "engineering ")) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1956".."1970")) # should produce 17 matches # # 5.3 Boolean search with two words in fields (using truncation) ((region A incl (region K incl "experiment")) - (region A incl (region L incl "jones, l"))) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 142 matches # # 5.4 Boolean search with two words in fields (no truncation) ((region A incl (region K incl "experiment ")) - (region A incl (region L incl "jones, leslie "))) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 41 matches # # 5.5 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) (((region A incl "comp") + (region A incl (region K incl "bar"))) - (region A incl (region L incl "jo"))) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 821 matches # # 5.6 Boolean search with three words, two in fields and one anywhere in record (using truncation) (((region A incl (region L incl "joseph ")) + (region A incl (region L incl "jon "))) - (region A incl "comp")) ^ (region A incl (region YR incl "1926".."1988")) # should produce 56 matches