Charleston Light

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Charleston Light in 1993
Charleston Light in 1993

Charleston, South Carolina

Built: 1962

This light is located on Sullivans Island on the north side of the Charleston Harbor entrance. It is the last traditional, or tended, lighthouse built in the United States (though now automated and no longer tended). It is also the only light tower equiped with an elevator. It stands 163 feet tall and is triangular rather than round.

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Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey

Conceived and Developed by David S. Carter
Photographs by Donald W. Carter
Text by Diana K. Carter, Donald W. Carter & David S. Carter

Copyright © 1995-2011 David S. Carter, Donald W. Carter, & Diana K. Carter. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, physical or electronic, in part or in full, without the express permission of the authors, is strictly prohibited.

This article was last modified on 5/26/2009.

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