Fond du Lac Light
From lighthouses
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Built: 1933
This white, Cape Cod-style eight-sided tower is approximately 65 feet tall and its base is made of stone. Located at the southern tip of Lake Winnebago, it sits in beautiful Lakeside Park and marks the entrance to the Fond du Lac harbor, marina, and Yacht Club. A red flashing light is operational from May through October during the boating season.
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Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey
- Conceived and Developed by David S. Carter
- Photographs by Donald W. Carter
- Text by Diana K. Carter, Donald W. Carter & David S. Carter
Copyright © 1995-2011 David S. Carter, Donald W. Carter, & Diana K. Carter. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, physical or electronic, in part or in full, without the express permission of the authors, is strictly prohibited.
This article was last modified on 5/28/2009.