MLibrary Lightning Talks 2011
From ml2sig
2011 Summer Edition
- Tuesday, August 9th
- 2 PM to 3:30 PM
- Main floor Lobby, Shapiro Library
Come and learn about the exciting work that your MLibrary colleagues have been doing in these rapid five-minute presentations. A lightning talk is a brief presentation that quickly informs the audience about a specific topic. In this case, each talk will be just 5 minutes long, and will focus on an area of interest or innovation within the MLibrary community.
Light refreshments will be served.
Topics and presenters:
You Could Be in Pictures: Promote Your Services, Students and Faculty in the Shapiro - Amanda Peters & Jamie Lausch Vander Broek (UGL)
Rediscovering Shenoute of Atripe - Pablo Alvarez (Special Collections)
Digital Storytelling Initiatives & Higher Education - Patricia Anderson (Taubman HSL)
Emerging interest on campus in digital storytelling, and awareness of digital storytelling initiatives on other campuses, led to a workshop on campus in July 2011. My attendance was funded by the Medical School, with other attendees primarily from health units on campus,
but also including academic & non-academic units. This talk will focus on how interest in digital storytelling is being manifested on this campus and how libraries are working with their communities in this area on other campuses.
Free, Unlimited Texts: A first peek at the promise of the TCP - Rebecca Welzenbach (MPublishing) This spring, the Text Creation Partnership released 2,231 ECCO-TCP texts to the public, with no restrictions on their use and distribution. Ultimately, all of the TCP texts will be freely available for anyone to use, but this is the first set to have all use restrictions lifted. We've already seen a lot of interest in studying, manipulating, and publishing these texts, which has given us a peek at what might happen in a few years, when the much larger EEBO-TCP archive becomes available to the public. This talk will share how people are starting to use these texts, and the questions, challenges, and opportunities are starting to come up for the TCP as a result. (PPTX)
Search Query Analysis - Shevon Desai (Core Usability Team)
What is DLPS? - John Weise (LIT/DLPS) (Prezi)
Promoting Usage of the CTools library help tools - Chris Leeder (School of Information)
This talk will present the results of surveys conducted with CTools course site users regarding their use of the library help tools (Library Materials, Library Help, and the Librarian role). Based on CTools usages data, the UM departments with the highest overall use of the library tools
were identified, and surveys were sent to users of the tools within those departments, as well as non-users in those departments to determine any significant differences in demographics. A parallel survey was sent to users of the Librarian role. Results of the survey will be discussed and recommendations for increasing usage of the library tools will be presented.
Hey Library Staff, check out these eReaders! - Julie Weatherbee (DSS) This talk will be a brief overview of the eReaders that Desktop Support Services has available to loan to Library staff, how to check them out, and some helpful eBook resources. (None)
Preparing for the Worst: Disaster Planning at the AAEL - Rebecca Frank (AAEL) This presentation will focus on the process of creating a disaster response and recovery plan for the Art, Architecture and Engineering Library. Specifically, I will discuss salvage priorities, response and recovery teams, and disaster supplies. I will also discuss some of the unique challenges presented by the AAEL, including the Computer and Video Game Archive, and Special Collections. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of next steps, as this is an ongoing project.
Multimedia services provided for faculty, staff and students at Shapiro - David Hytinen (DSS) & Breanna Hamm (Tech Deck)