MLibrary Lightning Talks March 2014

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Past events: MLibrary Lightning Talks 2013, MLibrary Lightning Talks 2012, MLibrary Lightning Talks 2011

2014 March Edition

Tuesday, March 18th
1 PM to 2:15 PM
Hatcher Gallery
Hatcher Graduate Library

Come and learn about the exciting work that your MLibrary colleagues have been doing in these rapid five-minute presentations. A lightning talk is a brief presentation that quickly informs the audience about a specific topic. In this case, each talk will be just 5 minutes long, and will focus on an area of interest or innovation within the MLibrary community.

Light refreshments will be served.

Topics and presenters:

  • Do YOU know where our digital collections are?: Our efforts to tell the U and the world - Kat Hagedorn and Meghan Musolff (DLPS, LIT/MPublishing) - Beginning around summer 2013, we noticed a lack of knowledge and interest in our fabulous locally-created digital collections. Because of the work we do - but not necessarily part of our job descriptions! - we figured we were the best to do some outreach to build digital collections awareness. We'll describe our efforts to date and future thoughts for further awareness avenues, as well as provide tips and advice for others interested in promoting their resources.
  • Data Management Plans Workshop - Sara Samuel (Research - Science, Engineering, Clark Library & Research Data Services) - The Engineering Librarians, along with CLIR Fellow Natsuko Nicholls, developed a workshop to educate College of Engineering faculty & graduate students about Data Management Plan requirements and resources. This talk will give an overview of how the workshop was developed and how the first two sessions went.
  • Stowing Away on the SS School of Social Work: Serving as an ex officio member of the School's Curriculum Committee - Sue Wortman (Research) - Most subject specialists struggle with ways to become integrated into their discipline areas or schools. It takes dedicated work to keep yourself informed about what's going on in a school here at the University of Michigan. There is a tension for librarians between feeling useful and valued by faculty and administrators in a school and feeling like an outsider. Serving on a school's curriculum committee as a non-voting member can break down some of those tensions and barriers and can keep a librarian ahead of the curve on finding out what's happening in the school. This brief talk will go over a few of the advantages, disadvantages and lessons I've learned serving on the School of Social Work Curriculum Committee.
  • What's Most Important?: Emerging Technologies in Medical Libraries - Patricia Anderson (Taubman Health Sciences Library) - The international project team I lead has been tasked with identifying the emerging technologies most relevant to medical librarians in the performance of their daily jobs, whether for their own use or to support patrons working with them. To accomplish this, we brainstormed, made mindmaps, conducted Twitter chats as focus groups, and online surveys. We discussed via Google Hangouts, sorted, categorized, and broke the team into subgroups. We're currently searching for information to identify possible time to adoption as part of identifying inclusion and exclusion criteria for the final selection of the technologies for the final report. What are we evaluating? What did we choose? You'll have to come to find out.
  • Classroom Support in Connected Learning Environments - Eleanor Schmitt (Digital Media Commons) - The Digital Media Commons Design Labs are two collaborative learning environments in the Duderstadt Center. I maintain our "converging technologies," or resources that encourage a dialogue between engineers, artists/designers, filmmakers, writers, musicians, and more. The Design Labs attract faculty who are interested in engaged or connected learning, and as a result we host a number of cross-disciplinary classes, each with different instructional methods and technical requirements. This talk will focus on our current classes and activities, what we have learned from the evolution of Design Lab 1, and how we might use that knowledge to develop similar spaces on campus.
  • Creating Everyday Unique Opportunities for Students - Rishi Daftuar (Digital Media Commons) - I have worked at the Digital Media Commons for 7 years, and in that time I have transitioned from student to full-time staff. While on student staff, I had the opportunity to create our training curriculum, as well as build our audio facilities and work on a variety of productions under the supervision of the professional staff. At the time, I thought this was a singular experience; however, after transitioning to full-time employment and working closely with the student staff, I realize that we create unique opportunities for our students every day. This talk highlights the experience of working at the Digital Media Commons as a student and a subject specialist.
  • Systematic Reviews CE course for Librarian - Mark MacEachern (Taubman Health Sciences Library) - In August 2013, a few colleagues and I developed a pilot course to teach librarians about systematic reviews (SR) and discuss librarian roles in SR project teams. The course followed a hybrid "flipped classroom" model, with instruction provided online in an intensive 2-week curriculum followed by a 2-day in-person workshop. Group participation and targeted learning activities played a key role in the workshop, which culminated with a capstone project preparing librarians to deploy their new knowledge at their home institutions. I'll talk about the experience and some lessons learned.
  • Coding and decoding messages: Examining virtual reference transcripts to improve library services - Barbara Beaton and Harold Tuckett (User Information and Discovery Services) - We note that fully one-third of our reference transactions these days are virtual—being conducted either via chat/IM, email, or text. But while we knew a great deal about them quantitatively (how many, when they occurred, how long they took, etc.), we realized we didn’t know much about them qualitatively (what types of questions people were asking, who the users were, etc.) To remedy this, staff in User Information and Discovery Services undertook an extensive project to review and code transcripts from peak use months for both our chat/IM and our email reference services. This talk will discuss the coding tools we developed, challenges in carrying out the coding, and what we’ve learned.
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