OER Tool Help/FAQ

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OERca Help/FAQ


Getting Started

In order to begin using the OER Tool for managing content, you will need to populate your course with materials, content objects (COs), and information about the course, instructor, materials, and COs. In the future, much of this will be automated through CTools, but for now, you have the privilege of building the course.

Managing Content


Viewing Course
  1. Choose the Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course
Viewing/Editing Course Information
  1. Choose the Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. On the right side of the page, just below the header choose "Edit Course Information"
  4. um, coming soon.
Viewing/Editing Instructor Information
  1. Choose the Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. On the right side of the page, just below the header choose "Edit Instructor Information"
  4. um, coming soon.

course materials

Viewing Materials
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material to view
Viewing/Editing Material Information
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. On the right side of the page below the header, choose "Edit Material Information"
Adding Materials through CTools
  1. Coming soon.
Adding Materials through Upload (single or bulk)
  1. Choose the Manage Courses tab
  2. On the right side of the page below the header choose: "Add Course Materials"
  3. Fill out the appropriate fields and choose the file to upload from your local hard drive
  4. Click the "Add" button on the bottom of the input box, and then click "Close"

content objects

Viewing Content Objects
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
Viewing/Editing Content Object Metadata
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Choose a content object from the left side of the page
  5. If editing, fill in metadata in the main page - scroll for more
Adding Content Objects (single or bulk)
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. On the right side of the page below the header, choose "Add Content Objects"
  5. Fill out the appropriate fields and choose the file (single image or Zip) to upload from your local hard drive
  6. Click the "Add" button on the bottom of the input box, and then click "Close"

replacement content objects

Viewing Replacement Content Objects
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Select a content object - the replacement content object is to the right of the original
Viewing/Editing Replacement Content Object Metadata
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Choose a content object from the left side of the page
  5. Select the replacement content object to the right of the original content object
  6. If editing, fill in metadata in the main page - scroll for more
Adding Replacement Content Objects
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Choose a content object from the left side of the page
  5. Select the replacement content object to the right of the original content object
  6. Click on the link to "Upload Replacement" or scroll to the bottom of the page
  7. Choose the file to upload from your local hard drive
  8. Click the "Upload" button on the bottom of the input box
NOTE: You may also upload RCOs when uploading a set of content objects in the bulk upload. See Capturing Content Objects for details on how to name RCOs and add them to your Zip file. See Adding Content Objects for details on doing a bulk upload of COs from a Zip file.

ask form

Adding Content Objects to the Ask Form
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Choose a content object from the left side of the page
  5. Scroll to find the "STATUS" and choose "Yes" to "ASK INSTRUCTOR"
NOTE: You may also change the Ask Form status when filling in the XMP metadata through Photoshop before uploading to the tool. See Attaching Metadata to COs for details on how to change the Ask Form status for a CO. See Adding Content Objects for details on doing a bulk upload of COs from a Zip file.
Editing questions for the Ask Form
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Choose a material
  4. Choose a content object from the left side of the page
  5. Scroll to find "QUESTIONS" and choose to "add question"
  6. Type your question and click "SAVE"
NOTE: You may also add questions to the Ask Form when filling in the XMP metadata through Photoshop before uploading to the tool. See Attaching Metadata to COs for details on how to questions for a CO. See Adding Content Objects for details on doing a bulk upload of COs from a Zip file.
Viewing the Ask Form
  1. Choose Manage Courses tab
  2. If more than one course, choose a course, otherwise, skip to step 3
  3. Find the material for which you would like to see the Ask Form, and choose "View Ask Form" in the far right column
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