Community Engagement

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Community Engagement


General Letter Templates

Letter Templates

Fall 2010 Letter Templates


Fall 2010 Event Series Announcement Hello from the Open.Michigan team!

This term we are expanding our activities to include an Open Michigan Event series. We invite you to join us this term as we explore a variety of issues and projects all dedicated to fostering an open learning environment that embraces the global learning community.

Please join us next week on Thursday, October 7 from 11:30-1:00 in the North Quad Media Gateway as we host “What is Open?” a mini-unconference. We’ll feature open projects and ideas from U-M community members, including the medical school the law school and our brand new Wikipedians group, and encourage discussion and idea-generation with the audience. Your own project ideas are welcome and encouraged.

Throughout the term we will be hosting Open Workshops (Thursdays 11:30-1:00, North Quad Media Gateway) where dScribes and other members of the University community can come together to work on projects in a collaborative space, gaining valuable feedback from their peers.

We hope you will join us this fall every Thursday from 11:30-1 as we build our community together. All are welcome to these events. Please RSVP to the Open Workshops by emailing me (epuckett[at]

Will you please share this email with others who may be interested in becoming more involved in Open.Michigan and fostering an open global learning environment? Thank you and we hope to see you next week!


Fall Event Series Synopsis

Please mark your calendars for Open.Michigan’s Fall 2010 Event Series. These events take place on Thursday from 11:30-1:00 in the Media Gateway at North Quad. Events are free and all are invited to attend.

October 7 “What is Open?” mini-unconference.

We’ll be briefly introducing Open.Michigan’s initiative and feature open projects from students in the Medical School and the Law School. Come with questions about open learning and your ideas for fostering an open culture at U-M.

November 4 Health OER Network Design Jam

The African Health OER Network is a joint project with U-M and a number of health science institutions in Africa. Currently, most of the participants are faculty and staff. How we can engage more students around the world as content producers and OER advocates?

December 9 Open Projects Spotlights

“Open Up!” Make an open video to show why open acces to research matters to you. Open Syllabi Project, come with ideas and syllabi to share with the University community and the world.


dScribe Availability Request


Welcome, new and returning dScribes, mentors, and advocates of the Open.Michigan initiative! We’re very excited to be actively engaging the U-M community this year as we come together to create open educational resources.

As individuals who are interested in the dScribe process or in supporting Open.Michigan’s activities, I would like to poll your availability this term: For those interested in becoming a course dScribe and collaborating with a faculty member to create OER, we will be meeting three times a month to host sessions where you can do this work with support from colleagues and mentors. For those of you who have already been part of this process or are advocates of OER more generally, Open.Michigan invites you to stop by these events to share your experiences and expertise and to stay involved in the community. Please take a moment to fill out this doodle poll (insert doodle poll link).

Anyone can be a dScribe (regardless of whether you are currently working on opening or creating open content) and you don’t just have to work on opening up U-M taught courses to participate in the dScribe process. This year we’re going to be providing some additional opportunities to create open content through a variety of projects including another design jam, an open video project and other events once a month. These activities will enable you to come away with content you can share with the world and stay involved even if you aren’t actively dScribing a course.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please share this email with friends and colleagues who may be interested in joining us this term as dScribes or dScribe mentors and advocates. Once we get our availability settled, I’ll be getting in touch with our broader community to share news of our upcoming events.

We are especially interested in building our community as we move forward this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!


dScribe Training Session Announcement

Do you like open acces? Do you like education? Do you like Open Educational Resources? Open.Michigan is currently looking for students to help us foster the creation and use of knowledge created at the University of Michigan. You can get involved in several ways, including dScribing a course or participating in the events we’ll have throughout the term. If you’re interested in dScribing a course and have one in mind or if you just want to learn what the process is about, you’re welcome to attend our dScribe training session.

We’ll have it on Thursday September 30 from 11:30-1:30 pm at the Media Gateway in North Quad. The Media Gateway is the commons space on the East side of the residential building. If you enter the complex from the E. Washington St. entrance, you can enter at the main doors, walk through the lobby and you will be in the Media Gateway. We’ll have signs pointing the way!

(This initial training session will be 2 hours so please be prepared to stay until 1:30 if you are able. Our regular Thursday workshops will be 1.5 hours.)

If you have chosen a course to dScribe, you will need a few things for this training session: Your laptop Faculty selection of Creative Commons License: Editable course materials (In most cases these can be found on CTools) for the course you will be dScribing. This email template may be useful when approaching faculty about participating: We’re also glad to help you prepare for this conversation. :) Send me an email if you have questions.

If you are interested in the process but are unsure about time commitments or just want to learn more, please feel free to come to this session or attend any of our open workshops or “Open.Michigan Show and Tell” events during the term. There are plenty of ways to be involved in supporting Open.Michigan and OER and we’ll be sending out information about these activities soon.

Attached you will find three documents outlining (1) dScribe roles and responsibilities and (2) faculty roles and responsibilities and (3) faculty specifications for this process . Please review these and feel free to give your faculty partner the documents pertaining to their responsibilities in this process.

To prepare for our meeting you can look through our dScribe Essential Resources page on our wiki:

We’ll be providing pizza from Silvio’s this round so please RSVP to let me know how many people to expect for lunch. We’ll always serve lunch at the dScribe sessions and we’ll always have snacks at the Open events. It will include a combination of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! I’m looking forward to working with y’all this semester!


Open.Michigan Open Workshop reminder

Hello from Open.Michigan!

We are a University of Michigan initiative that strives to connect local and global learning communities more fully by developing open educational resources (OER). Each term we work with students, faculty and staff to create OER and to promote a more open learning culture. We host Open Workshops and special events to provide opportunities for our community to get involved in our initiative and help us grow the knowledge commons.

We will be starting our Open Workshops this Thursday from 11:30-1:00 in the Media Gateway at North Quad. Most of our events for the Fall 2010 term will be held in this location and at this time and we invite you to attend these activities. Attached you will find our events schedule.

If you would like to attend an Open Workshop, please RSVP to me,, so we may provide lunch for you.

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have regarding these activities or Open.Michigan. Will you please share this information with others you think will benefit from these activities?

Thank you,

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