Best Resume Ever: How to Woo a Startup

Remember our first assignment? Yup! The Resumes! This title caught my attention. This woman sent in a slide rocket presentation as a resume of why she should be hired in Ridejoy as the Community manager. The reaction of the people in Ridejoy? "Best resume ever!" Her "Resume" was very creative and witty and most importantly fun. It truly showed who she is as a passionate person for her work. Of course the company couldn't resist to send her a slide rocket presentation back asking her to join Ridejoy. Here is the link to both sliderockets: So after discussing in class how recruiters spend the minimum amount looking at a resume. This video surely showed that you can spend a tad more time looking at a resume. I will be waiting for the day where this would be consider professional and it seems to me that this is the future of resumes. With all of our advances, why do we need to stick to the boring paper that doesn't really represent us?