Working with DLXS Utilities and Applications

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Main Page > Working with DLXS Components > Working with DLXS Utilities and Applications


[edit] DLXS Database Upgrade Utility

This Perl program (included in DLXS software beginning with Release #9) is used to convert your current metadata into a new database structure whenever a new DLXS middleware release requires such a conversion.

[edit] nameresolver

This CGI program assists in creating short, permanent URLs for longer, semi-permanent CGI URLs.

[edit] sru

sru provides access to Bib Class collections. This CGI program produces XML responses to SRU requests as dictated by SRU protocol. For more information on the SRU protocol, see:

[edit] broker20

This CGI program produces XML responses to OAI requests from OAI service providers who harvest collection metadata. For more information on the OAI protocol, see:

[edit] dbmove

Used to move a DLXS database from one type of database engine to another. As of DLXS release 13 dbmove is obsolete.

[edit] dbconv

A Perl script designed to merge data in the pre-CDROM#8 groups and collection tab-delimited files into CSV tables. As of DLXS release 13 dbconv is obsolete.


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