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make validate

 onsgmls -wxml -w no-explicit-sgml-decl -s -f $(PREPDIR)$(NAMEPREFIX).errors $(XMLDECL) $(CONCATDOCTYPE) $(XMLFILE)

Here is the command with the substitutions made for s/samplefa:.

onsgmls -wxml -w no-explicit-sgml-decl -s -f $DLXSROOT/prep/s/samplefa/samplefa.errors 
$DLXSROOT/misc/sgml/xml.dcl $DLXSROOT/prep/s/samplefa/samplefa.concat.ead.dcl 

This command runs onsgmls to validate the copy using the doctype in samplefa.concat.ead.dcl

  • -wxml tells onsgmls to output XML warnings (rather than SGML warnings)
  • -w no-explicit-sgml-decl tells onsgml not to complain about needing an sgml declaration
  • -s suppresses output. That means instead of getting a parse tree, we just get any errors
  • -f ...errors tells onsgmls to write errors to a file with that name
  • $DLXSROOT/misc/sgml/xml.dcl is an SGML Declaration for valid XML documents.
  • This lets onsgmls which is an SGML parser work with XML documents

  • $DLXSROOT/prep/s/samplefa/samplefa.concat.ead.dcl is a document type declaration which points to the dlxsead2002.dtd. (See below). Its essentially the EAD 2002 DTD which allows the <ead> to be repeated and wraps the repeated <ead>s in <COLL> element tags.

samplefa.concat.ead.dcl :

  <!DOCTYPE COLL SYSTEM "/l1/release/13/misc/sgml/dlxsead2002.dtd" [  ]>

 See for more info on onsgmls
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