Mounting a Finding Aids Collection

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Main Page > Mounting Collections: Class-specific Steps > Mounting a Finding Aids Collection

This topic describes how to mount a Findaid Class collection.

Workshop materials are located at



The Finding Aids Class is in many ways similar in behavior to Text Class. Access minimally includes full text searching across collections or within a particular collection of Finding Aids, viewing Finding Aids in a variety of display formats, and creation of personal collections ("bookbag") of Finding Aids.

To mount a Finding Aids Collection, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare your data and set up a directory structure
  2. Validate and normalize your data
  3. Build the Index
  4. Mount the collection online

Findaid Class Behaviors Overview

This section describes the basic Findaid Class behaviors.

Examples of Findaid Class Implementations and Practices

This section contains links to public implementations of DLXS Findaid Class as well as documentation on workflow and implementation issues. If you are a member of DLXS and have a collection or resource you would like to add, or wish to add more information about your collection, please edit this section.

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library Finding Aids
Out-of-the-box DLXS 13 implementation.
Overview of Bentley's workflow process for Finding Aids
See also the links in Practical EAD Encoding Issues for background on the Bentley EAD workflow and encoding practices
Unversity of Tennesee Special Collections Libraries
DLXS Findaid Class version ?
University of Pittsburgh, Historic Pittsburgh Finding Aids
DLXS Findaid Class version ?
Background on Pittsburgh Finding Aids workflow
University of Wisconsin, Archival Resources in Wisconsin: Descriptive Finding Aids
DLXS Findaid Class version ?
University of Minnesota Libraries, Online Finding Aids
DLXS Findaid Class version ?
EAD Implementation at the University of Minnesota
Getty Research Institute Special Collections Finding Aids
Heavily customized DLXS11a. Background on Getty customization and user interface changes to DLXS
J. Paul Getty Trust Institutional Archives Finding Aids
Heavily customized DLXS11a.

Working with the EAD

Preparing Data and Directories

Finding Aids Data Preparation

Building the Index

Working with Fabricated Regions in Findaid Class

Customizing Findaid Class

Mounting the Collection Online

Troubleshooting Finding Aids

Linking from Finding Aids Using ID Resolver

Workshop Materials

Working with the User Interface

General user interface customizations, such as changing rendering style (CSS) or making changes to the XSL are covered in Customizing the User Interface. Specific user-interface issues related to Findaid Class are discussed in the following sections:

Findaid Class Graphics Files

Are there findaid class specific graphics files? The existing html docs actually point to a ../t/text/ directory and it appears that the graphics are generic and not at all specific to findaid class.

Findaid Class Processing Instructions

We decided that we could not maintain a list of class specific processing instructions so this section should probably be cut.


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