Yerba Buena Island Light

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Yerba Buena Island Light in 2001 - 37th trip
Yerba Buena Island Light in 2001 - 37th trip

San Francisco, California

Built: 1875

Automated: 1958

This 25 foot tall octagonal wood tower stands on a 50 foot cliff on the southeast corner of the island, which was once known as Goat Island. A fog signal building sits just below the tower and the two-story keeper's residence stands above, about 80 yards away. Today, the keeper's dwelling is the home of the Coast Guard Admiral in charge of all Pacific operations. Not far from the site is the Bay area's lighthouse depot.

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Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey

Conceived and Developed by David S. Carter
Photographs by Donald W. Carter
Text by Diana K. Carter, Donald W. Carter & David S. Carter

Copyright © 1995-2011 David S. Carter, Donald W. Carter, & Diana K. Carter. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, physical or electronic, in part or in full, without the express permission of the authors, is strictly prohibited.

This article was last modified on 6/4/2009.

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