Suggestions for Linguistics Media Materials
From lingwiki
This is a place you can request multimedia clips to be added to the Linguistics Teaching Database. It may be possible for us to digitize some full length materials; however, we will be concentrating this summer on clips.
Clips for Teaching
Please include: Source material title; brief scene description; time stamp; 2-3 keywords
The Catherine Tate Show, Season 3, Episode 1; Despite the fact that she is incapable of doing so, Helen Marsh volunteers to translate for her boss when his interpreter doesn't show. In the meeting, she translates her boss's speech into mock languages that play off of linguistic stereotypes of individuals from France, Spain, Sweden, South Asia, Italy, East Asia and Africa. The sketch shows the name and national flag placards of individuals from European nations but not for the other participants (so the viewer must rely on the dress of phenotypes of the other individuals). Helpful when discussing linguistic discrimination as a proxy for ethnic/racial discrimination and Lippi-Green (i.e. [Why] does mocking linguistic stereotypes avoid the media/public scrutiny that mocking other stereotypes does not?).; 23:34-26:14; stereotyping, mock language, racial discrimination, Britain