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Mobile-friendly features via regular websites

Mobile Library Web Interfaces

There are a variety of techniques for creating mobile web content. Some institutions just offer a text-only view of their regular site, some create a secondary interface designed specifically for mobile devices, often with separate style sheets for different devices. The most successful mobile interfaces don't try to offer full functionality but provide access to the essential bits that users are more likely to need via a mobile device


  • NYPL: very nice all-in-one mobile access to catalog, website, and digital collections.
  • Yale Medical Library: Part website, part portal. Links to standard info about hours & contact and also provides access to databases/resources (highlighting those that have mobile interfaces) and and searches catalog, pubmed, e-journals, and databases and presents results in an easily read mobile interface.


Catalogs/Digital Collections

  • OCLC Worldcat
  • Google book search

Mobile Applications

Applications designed for a specific device.

  • DCPL's iPhone app: will let you search for items, show location, place a hold, and find library hours etc.
  • Duke Mobile

Mobile Reference Services

Mobile Marketing/Event Broadcasting


ebook devices & apps


Often touted as having potential for being the most popular ebook reading device due to the fact that it's a multi-functional device.

  • Stanza app:
  • Amazon's Kindle app
  • eReader:


Sony Reader

Stats and mobile related research

  • 2009 Horizon Report: lists mobile technology as one of the technologies that will become much more integrated into learning environments within the next year.

More sources for learning about mobile technology

Personal tools