Renaming Things - a competition
From openmichigan
Revision as of 12:11, 20 October 2011
The winner is OERCA/OERca - dreamed up by Garin and Joseph.
Thanks to everyone for participating to come up with a name. Next question, what does OERca mean?
We'll be the first to admit that "tool" isn't exactly the most descriptive and interesting name for the software we've developed. And, yes; we have plenty of other names for documents and procedures that are cumbersome and need some help. So, if you have any suggestions for new names, share your thoughts here. good suggestions rewarded. we'll vote on submissions and select winners for some sort of prize. Voting will commence on August 13 via email.
You vote for your top three names. Put your favorite at #1, next favorite at #2, and third favorite at #3. Each time a name gets a #1 vote, it gets 5 points. A #2 vote gets 3 points. A #3 vote gets 1 point.
Names to be changed:
the "OER Work Tool"/"OER Content Processing Tool"
Suggestions for New Names:
the "Antelope"
the "Effectuator"
Each version of the tool should take on the name of a hound (similar to Apple's OS X naming scheme). In honor of Roebuck, the first version should be named Bloodhound, and then the name could go to Greyhound, Basset Hound, etc.
"Binning Machine"
"ALAN" - Avoid Litigation And Liability (Liability == Negligence? --- Avoiding Litigation And Negligence)
"Open Sesame"
"The Opener"
"The Clearer"
"C-Monster" - (clearing monster)
"OERCA" Open Educational Resource Clearing Apparatus (logo is, of course, an orca chasing content objects of some sort.) also, perhaps, spelled "OERca"
"MOERay" Michigan Open Educational Resource Apparatus. yes.
"GOERilla" - big, friendly, awesome. and it has illa in it.
"TOeRO" An oer bull.
"zOERilla" like the little south african carnivorous mammal
"OERiGAMI" "The art of folding Copyrighted Content into decorative Open Educational Resources"
"OERang outang" - it speaks for itself.
"the OERb" - how else do you really explain this "tool"
"OERbit" - because we have a desire to be global and extraterrestrial.
"OERchestrate" - because it sounds nice
"OERchid" pretty things come out of using this tool
"MOERel" hoping that it'll take off like a mushroom.
"SOERcerer" like a wizard.
"SOERter" speaks to the binning aspect of the tool's functionality
"TOeRCH light" guiding people though the clearing process.
"OERvre" - French for "body of work"
"BladeRunnOER" - fav flick
"Clearing Agent" - too bad CA is already such a popular acronym
"007" - Clearing Agent