W09 Meeting 7
From openmichigan
Revision as of 13:49, 20 October 2011
- Questions and Announcements from dScribes! How was Spring Break 2009?!
- Announcements from U-M OER team
- Presentation to Hope College - technical side of what the OER team does
- Open Access Week - March 23 - 27
- Reminder of timeline and office hours
- Online permission forms - should help us collect those remaining forms quickly
- Colbert Report discussion on copyright
- Document decomposition = your new best friend
- Zoom through capturing and clearing process
- Catch up on editing - this is the name of the game from now on out.
We discussed the Colbert Report clip Shephard Fairey's famed blue and red Obama poster. There are some great points of discussion:
- What types of work merit copyright protection? Photographs and artwork are both included.
- Test for artwork (intention) vs. copyright (creative expression, originality, tangibility)?
- Fair use: Although they don't explicitly mention fair use they mention a couple of the four factors. Is it a transformative use? It was a cropped image. Did Fairey use heart or essence
- Who holds the copyright - the author(s) or did they license them away?
- Commercial figures vs. public figures (privacy rights not copyright)
- Who's right? Point of interpretation -> a lot based on who's paying
Other points we discussed based on the video and our outside knowledge:
- How much originality is the Fairey poster?
- There are many photos of Obama in front of a flag with his head titled. How original is the photo from the A.P.?
- Other fair use factors, such as effect on the market.
We all applauded document decomposition (doc decomp). Garin walked us through the process. Now you now don't have to extract every image from powerpoint/pdf and upload them to OERca. Woo hoo! What does this mean? It means when you upload a new Power Point or PDF file, check the "Automatically Extract Embedded Content Objects?" option and voila! It will find (most) of the content objects (COs) in the slide. Yes, you still need to double check that it A) found everything and B) didn't bring in any extraneous COs.
Then we worked one-on-one to test doc decomp and work through the editing process. With doc decomp, we should be able to meet our goal of finishing your course material before the semester ends.
For those of you still waiting on permission forms, we have them online now:
- OER Permission Form General (license selector)
- Permission to be Recorded (for classes or presentations that are recorded)
- dScribe Faculty Specs (to indicate what materials from the course we should publish)