Publishing Process
From openmichigan
Revision as of 14:10, 28 February 2014
Gather, Assemble, Convert, and Optimize Files for Publication
Preparing Files for Uploading
- Acceptable file formats are: text files (.txt), Microsoft Office 1997 – 2004 formats, (.ppt, .doc, xls), Open Office (.odp, .odt, .ods), images (.jpg, .png, .gif), PDFs, and compressed archives (.zip). Several formats of data files are also acceptable, but will be have ".txt" appended at the end of the filename.
- Maximum file size is 1024 MB.
- Sound and video content (.mp3, .wav, .flv, mp4, .mov, etc.) will be hosted on external sites, such as YouTube, Internet Archive, and
- Zip files may contain other zip files.
- Filenames should only use alphanumeric characters and underscores or dashes.
- Filenames should NOT include spaces or slashes.
Log On to OERca
- Navigate to OERca and login there.
- Find the course you want to publish and click on the course title.
- Click the checkboxes for the modules you want to download. You may find it easiest to do all the lectures in one download, and then go back and do all the other course elements (syllabus, reading list, etc.) in separate downloads.
- Click "Download" (this creates a zip file).
Important Note about Links in Microsoft Office Files
Before converting your Microsoft Office files to PDF, you may need to perform a few tweaks so the links will appear correctly when you save the files as PDFs. In Microsoft Office, it is important that all links are displayed in the text, you should not use different displayed text to represent a link. Because when you save the Microsoft Office file to PDF, you will only see the displayed text in the PDF, not the link.
- So, in your Microsoft Office file, do this: A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology edited by Richard Pearce-Moses.
- Do not do this: A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology edited by Richard Pearce-Moses.
Bulk Convert Microsoft Office formats to OpenOffice
- Open OpenOffice
- Go to the File menu. Select Wizards > Document Converter
- Select the Microsoft Office radio button
- Select the checkboxes for PowerPoint and Word documents
- Click Next
- Deselect the PowerPoint Templates checkbox
- In the Documents section, select the appropriate folder (from step 1 of previous section) for "Import from"
- Select the same folder (from previous step) for "Save to"
- Click Next
- Click Convert
- Preview the .odf files to verify the conversion was successful and formatting maintained.
- Fix formatting if necessary.
Bulk Convert files to PDF
- Unzip the file to your hard drive. Make sure that the save edited materials for the given course/resource in a separate folder from other non-edited files.
- Open OpenOffice
- Go to the File menu. Select Wizards > Web Page
- Select the default settings.
- Click Next
- Click Add
- Navigate to the appropriate folder. Select all of the OpenDocument documents to convert to PDF. (It makes sense to use the ODF files since you've corrected the formatting in the previous section.)
- Click open
- For each item in the list, changed the "Export to file format" choice to "PDF Print Optimized.
- Click Next .
- Keep the default values for Main Layout. Click Next.
- Keep the default values for Style. Click Next.
- Keep the default values for Web site information. Click Next.
- Select the checkbox next to "Publish the new website to a local folder." Create a new folder (suggestion: use the course name and term).
- Click Open.
- Deselect the checkbox Save settings.
- Click Finish.
- Navigate to the new folder created.
- Open the content folder.
- Preview the .pdf files to verify the conversion was successful and formatting maintained.
- Create a zip file containing all the PPT, DOC, OpenDocument, and PDF files you want to upload to EduCommons.
See,289483,sid39_gci1169832,00.html for more information.
Reducing File Size when Converting PPT to PDF
If you are having problems getting good results after trying the steps above (e.g., Open Office versions require too much clean up OR your PDF files are still too large), here are some steps you can try to save your PPT as reasonably sized PDFs.
- Check if the PPT uses an image as the background on each slide. Start by checking the master slide. Delete this graphic and select a plain solid color background instead.
- Check if the text in the file uses effects such as drop shadow or 3-D. This causes each line of text to be exported as a jpeg when the PPT file is saved as PDF. Start by checking the master slide. You may be able to remove this effect from the entire presentation simply by altering the master slide.
- Check if the slides use animations or transitions. Display the custom animations toolbox (in PowerPoint, you'll find this here: View menu --> Toolbox --> Custom Animation). Go through each slide and see if any animations or transitions are associated with the slide and delete them.
- Save the PPT as PDF. Click "Options" and select: 72 dpi, compress graphics, and image quality: low. If the PPT file is large, you can expect it to take a few minutes to save the file.
- If the PDF file is larger than 5 MB, use the PDF Shrink application to reduce the size.
- You can simply drag the PDF over to the PDF Shrink icon to start the process. Or, double-click to launch the PDF Shrink program. The program provides different settings for reducing file sizes and will optimize for email, iPhone, print, or web. Choose web. The file will be saved and "-web.pdf" will be appended to the filename. You can now compare the original PDF to the shrunk PDF.
- Delete the original PDF from Dropbox and rename the shrunk PDF to remove the "-web" from the filename. Tip: if you are shrinking large batches of files, you can save time by using Name Mangler (or a similar) program to perform the renaming step. You can download Name Mangler for free here:
Publishing Steps for Adding a Course or Resource
- Go to our Drupal site and login using this URL:
- Click "Find" and then navigate to the appropriate department for the course.
- Click "Add new Course/Resource"
- Under "Content Type" select "Course" or "Resource".
- In the Title field, add the title for the course and also include the course number. For example, "SI 110 - Introduction to Information Studies"
- In the Short Title/Course code field, add "SI 110"
- The URL field will auto-complete using the text you added in the Short Title/Course code field. For example,"si-110". Change this to remove the hyphen "si110".
- If you are adding a Resource, instead of a Course, the URL field auto-completes using the text from the Title field. So, if the Title of your Resource is "Breast Cancer Detective", the URL field will say "breast-cancer-detective". Edit this if you want it shortened for the URL. Feel free to include hyphens here if you wish.
- In the description field, paste in the course description. Include the content of the course/resource, the purpose, and the target audience.
- Immediately following the description, also paste in the Instructor, dScribe, Course Level and Course Structure information. Include "available on" information if the content is hosted elsewhere, and include "link to" if all materials are included on Open.Michigan.
- In "keywords" paste in the keywords for your course separated by commas.
- Under "Academic Unit" the name for the department should already appear.
- Add the appropriate information for Education Level, Structure, Term and Year.
- NOTE: if you are adding a Course or Resource and do not want it associated with a particular Term or Year, perform these steps: Under the pull down for "Academic Term", select "-None-". Under the pull down for "Academic Year, select the blank.
- Click "Content Image". Click "Browse" next to the Image field and navigate to the image you want to use for the course or resource. In the "alternate text" field, please include the following information: "Image of [image description]. Landing page image for [course/resource]." In the "image Caption" field, at the attribution and license for the image. Be sure to add the appropriate links to the original image and for the CC license.
- Click "Ownership." Enter the creator of the course, usually the professor. Under "Contributors" don't add the dScribe as they will end up listed as a contributors for every file you upload and add to the course.
- Click "Creative Commons License." From the pull down, select the appropriate license for the course.
- Click "Course Instructor." Add a brief bio: [Instructor name] is the [title] in the [department/college]. [Description of research/teaching focus]. more… [insert link to bio]" and list his/her degrees (degree abbreviation, subject, university and year of award). Upload the instructor's image (if available). Optimal image size is 140x140 pixels.
- Under "Workflow" select "New/In Progress" and then scroll down and click "Save"
Adding Materials to your Course:
- Open.Michigan currently supports the following Material (or Resource) Types:
- Lectures
- Assignments
- Exams
- Labs
- Demos
- Data
- Image Collection
- Handouts
- Case Studies
- Supplemental Readings
- Student Projects
- Student Papers
- Student Presentations
- Group Exercises
- Misc
- Navigate to the course materials on your desktop. To upload lectures, for example, select all the PDF lecture files and zip them. (You will upload the PPT and ODP files in another step later.) Please note that 1024 MB is the maximum file size for upload to Drupal.
- Return to your course on the Drupal site. Click the "Materials" tab. Click "Zip Upload". Click "Browse". Navigate to the lectures zip file on your desktop and click "Upload".
- You will see a list of your lecture files. The name of the course creator and appropriate license should appear on each line. Over on the far right, you will see an "edit" link next to each lecture. Click on this link.
- In the "Material Type" pull down, select "Lectures". In the "Title" field, add the title for the lecture. There are no restrictions on characters you can include in your Resource titles.
- IMPORTANT: Drupal lists the materials you add in alphabetic order. So, in order to keep your lectures or other materials in the correct sequence, you must add "Week 01" or "Session 01" to the front of each file title. If you have multiple resources for an given week, you must use the "Week 01a", "Week 01b", "Week 01c" convention. Also, if adding "Sessions" to your course, and you have multiple resources (handouts, labs, etc.) to combine within that session, it is helpful to name those resources "Week 01 Handout: Looking for Social Structure" or "Week 01 Assignment: Write a Simple Program".
- Under "File:" you will see the name of the PDF file you just uploaded. Now you want to upload the corresponding Open Office and MS Office versions of the same lecture. Click "Browse" and navigate to the downloaded course materials on your desktop. Find the Open Office version of the lecture. Click "Upload". Repeat this process to upload the MS Office version.
- Make sure "List" is checked for each version of the file. Under "Workflow" click "New/In Progress". Scroll down and click "Save".
Adding Images
- Position your cursor where you want the image to appear.
- In the "Body:" text window, click on the image icon in the tool bar.
- The "Image Properties" dialog box will appear. Click "Browse Server".
- Click "upload" in the upper left corner.
- Browse until you find the image you want to upload. Click the checkbox to "Create thumbnails". Click upload. The "Upload" indicator will keep spinning and spinning (this is a bug), even though the file has successfully uploaded. Close the "File Browser" window.
- The "Image Properties" dialog box will appear again, click "Browse Server" again.
- The "File Browser" window appears again and you should see your uploaded image file on the list. Highlight it and click "Send to CK Editor" in the upper right.
- Close the "File Browser' window. Your image should appear in the "Image Properties" dialog box.
- Complete the fields in the dialog box for alt text, image link, alignment, etc. as needed.
- Click OK.
Adding a Resources Section to a College, School or Department:
- Navigate to the appropriate department for the resource.
- Click "Add new Academic Unit/Department/Curriculum".
- In the "Title:" field, type "Resources". In the "Code/URL" field, type "resources".
- What to put in the description field??
- Under "Academic Unit Type" select "Program" from the pull down list.
- Leave "Website:" field blank
- Under "Is this a parent unit?" click "No", but make sure that your department is listed below.
- Under "Workflow" click "New/In Progress". Scroll down and click "Save".
Embedding a Table within an HTML Page
Reformatting Old Tables
For tables created in eduCommons and migrated over to Drupal, use the following steps:
- Navigate to the appropriate page with the table in eduCommons and copy the necessary HTML code for the table.
- Navigate to the appropriate page in Drupal and click "edit".
- In the "body" section, click on "Source" in the upper left corner.
- Find the area where the table should sit and paste in the HTML code from eduCommons.
- At the "table" tag, modify it to say: " table class="embeddedTable" ".
- Scroll through the table elements and remove existing classes (e.g., " class="d0" " or " class=even"). (you may need to make the header elements " th " instead of " td ")
- Click "Published" and "Save".
Creating New Tables
For new tables created within Drupal, follow these actions:
- Navigate to the appropriate page in Drupal and click "edit".
- In the "body" section find the area where the table should sit.
- Click on the "Table" icon in the toolbar.
- Choose the number of rows and columns necessary. Delete the width, cell spacing, and cell padding numbers. Choose whether or not you want headers (this automatically makes those fields bold with a different background color)
- Add a summary or caption (optional).
- Click "OK".
Managing Multiple Versions of Courses
Adding Multiple Versions of a Course within the Same Department
If you are adding a newer version of a course that is already published, the newer version will become the primary version and the older version will automatically be archived. When you display the newer version of the course, the archived version will still appear in the lower left under "Previous Terms." Here are the steps for doing this:
- Begin the "Add new course" process to begin the publishing process for your new course.
- In the "Title" and "Short Title/Course Code" fields, make sure you enter the exact same names you used for the older version of the course.
- Scroll down to "Academic Year", enter the year for the new version of your course.
- When you are done building the course, click "Published" and "Save". By including the newer date on the course, this version will automatically become the published version and the older version will now appear under "Previous Terms".
Adding an Older Version of a Course within the Same Department
In some cases, you might want to add an older version of a course that is already published. Here are the steps for doing this:
- Go to the currently published version of the course, and temporarily rename it (for example, SI510-current).
- Begin the "Add new course" process to begin the publishing process for the older version of the course.
- In the "Title" and "Short Title/Course Code" fields, make sure you enter the exact same names you used for the currently published version of the course (before you temporarily renamed it).
- Scroll down to "Academic Year", enter the year for the old version of your course.
- When you are done building the course, click "Published" and "Save". By including the older date on the course, this version will automatically become the older version and will now appear under "Previous Terms".
- Go back to the newer version of the course and remove the temporary name you assigned it. Again make sure the "Title" and "Short Title/Course Code" fields include the exact same names for both versions of the course.
Adding Multiple Versions of a Course in a Department organized by Curriculum
If you are adding multiple versions of a course in a department that is organized by curriculum (for example, M1 and M2 in the Medical School) you have to perform slightly different renaming steps to have the course appear under the correct curriculum. For example, both the M1 and M2 curriculum have a Renal sequence and you'll want M1-Renal to appear under the M1 curriculum.
- Display the curriculum page under which you want your course to appear.
- Begin the "Add new course" process to begin the publishing process for your new course.
- In the "Title" and "Short Title/Course Code" fields, make sure you append "1" to the title and course code when adding the course to the M1 curriculum or "2" if it goes in the M2 curriculum (e.g, "Renal1" and "Renal2").
- Scroll down to "Academic Year", enter the year for the new version of your course.
- When you are done building the course, click "Published" and "Save". The course should appear under the correct curriculum. If there are multiple versions of the course, the newest one becomes the published version and the one with the older date will now appear under "Previous Terms".
Setting Up Redirects
Creating a Redirect for a Cross-listed course or resource (with different names)
Below, course A refers to the original course. Course B refers to the redirect to Course A from the dept which cross-lists the course.
- You must be an admin to perfom this step. If you are not an admin, you can log in as one using (look for the password in the ET pw directory).
- Create and publish Course A (e.g. PubPol 688). Write down the node number.
- Create a landing page for Course B (e.g. SI 519). You don't need to create subpages or upload any materials. Publish the landing page for Course B. Write down the node number.
- Go to the redirect setup page (You need admin access for this step. If you are not an admin, you can log in as one using, password is stored in the ET pw directory.)
- Use the node numbers to add a redirect from the Course B node to the Course A node. (E.g., from "node/1255" to "node/1266")
- Test both Course A and B to make sure the redirect works as expected.
Creating a Redirect for a Cross-listed course or resource (with the same names)
- VERY IMPORTANT! If you cross-list a course or resource using the same name (for example, "Advanced Emergency Medicine" is published under "School of Medicine" and you want to cross list it on "African Health OER Network") you must use a different name for the "Course B" URL.
- VERY IMPORTANT! If you cross-list a course or resource using the same name (for example, "Advanced Emergency Medicine" is published under "School of Medicine" and you want to cross list it on "African Health OER Network") you must use a different name for the "Course B" URL.
- You must be an admin to perfom this step. If you are not an admin, you can log in as one using (look for the password in the ET pw directory).
- Below, course A refers to the original course. Course B refers to the redirect to Course A from the dept which cross-lists the course.
- Create and publish Course A (e.g. "Advanced Emergency Medicine"). Write down the node number.
- Create a landing page for Course B (e.g. "Advanced Emergency Medicine"). You don't need to create subpages or upload any materials.
- In the URL field for Course B, append "-redirect" to the URL name. (E.g., "aetc-redirect")
- Leave the "short title" field for Course B blank.
- Publish the landing page for Course B. Write down the node number.
- Go to the redirect setup page (You need admin access for this step. If you are not an admin, you can log in as one using, password is stored in the ET pw directory.)
- Use the node numbers to add a redirect from the Course B node to the Course A node. (E.g., from "node/1255" to "node/1266")
- Test both Course A and B to make sure the redirect works as expected.
Finishing Touches before you Publish
- With the "Overview" tab for your course or resource displayed, click "edit."
- Click "Display Options." If your course or resource has downloadable materials, make sure that "Download Button Display" is set to "Yes" (this is the default). If your course or resource does NOT have downloadable materials, set this to "No."
- Select "Highlights" for your course. (Limit to 1-3? Add steps.... )
- (probably need to add more steps here )
Publishing a Course
(Need to add steps here)
Featuring a Course on the Main Page
At any given time, we like to feature 3 courses or resources as highlights on the page. To select a course to be featured there, perform these steps.
- With the "Overview" tab for your course or resource displayed, click "edit."
- Click "Display Options." Look for "Feature on Main Page" and select "Yes". We only want to feature 3 things at a time, so if you add a new item to feature, you may need to retire another one by performing these steps and selecting "No" for "Feature on Main Page."
Publishing Video and Audio
This is a separate page
Adding a new Page to the Site Navigation
Display the page you want to add to the site navigation
- click on the edit tab
- make sure the title is the name of the page as you want to see it in the URL
- click on menu settings
- add the menu link title (should be same as or similar to page title)
- choose the parent item (this is where you want the page to show up in the navigation - if it's a top-level page, choose <Primary links>)
- don't set the weight here
- click on URL path settings
- deselect automatic alias
- add the url you want to appear after (or base url). for example, if you want the new page to appear under the "About" page, put in: about/newpage
- make sure this is published and click save
Post Publication Steps
Adding a User to Drupal
If you're an admin or content manager and you need to add a user to Drupal:
- go to: and make sure the user you want to add isn't already in the system. If they're not, click on the "Add user" tab (or go here:
- Add the username. Do not use "Firstname Lastname." The username must be either their U-M uniqname or the email address they specified when they created a U-M friend account.
- Add an email address. This should be their address, but it can be whatever the user wants.
- Set a fake password. The password is required, but it doesn't matter what's put in here. The user will just use their U-M credentials to log in through CoSign.
- Select a role and access rights for the user. You need to decide what this user needs access to. Only site administrators and content managers can add users and make widespread changes to the site. Unit managers can make changes (and delete content) within a specified unit or sub-unit. Resource managers can make changes (and delete their own added content) within a specified course/resource.
- If your user is designated as a resource or unit manager, you need to perform some extra steps to give them access to the units, courses, or resources they will be maintaining.
- First, display the user by going to the menu bar in the upper left and selecting: User Management -> Users -> List.
- When the list appears, look for the user and click "Edit."
- When the user's page appears, click the "Hierarchical Permissions" tab.
- From the list that appears, click the names of the units, courses, or resources you want this user to be able to edit. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save."
- Choose whether or not you want to email the new user separately, or have Drupal send the email. For faculty, it's best to send a separate email (see the next section on faculty notification).
Notify Faculty that their Course has been Published
Congratulations! You are finally done. Now send an email to the faculty member telling them that their course is now publicly available. Your email should follow the style of this example.
Announcing the new Course on Social Media
When a course or resource has been published, you should announce it on Twitter and Facebook so our followers know this new OER content is available. Open.Michigan has set up an IFTTT recipe so that all publications and courses are logged in Google Drive, emailed to, and drafted for Twitter through Hootsuite. Open.Michigan uses Hootsuite, a dashboard for managing and tracking social media, which works well to compose and queue up Tweets for Twitter. Hootsuite hasn't worked as well for Facebook, so we post our status updates directly in Facebook upon receiving this notification.
Announcing the new Course on Twitter (using Hootsuite)
- Go to Hootsuite Twitter and log in as The password for Hootsuite is available in the ET wiki (you'll be prompted to authenticate).
- To compose the Tweet, click on the field in the upper left. Click on the down arrow (located next to the "Send Now" button) for "View Templates" to display the Tweets that are in the draft queue. Each of these drafts are placeholders created by the IFTTT recipe that need to be edited to personalize the Tweet.
- Create a short URL for the course or resource by pasting it into Hootsuite's URL shortener and hit "Shrink". The entire Tweet, including URL, must be kept to 140 characters or less.
- If the faculty member is on Twitter, you can put an "@" in front of their name, so Twitter will direct your Tweet to them. If you mention a department name in the Tweet, you can also use "@" if that department has a Twitter stream also (for example, School of Information is "@umsi").
- Add some hashtags that reflect the content (for example, #physics, #healtheducation, etc.) and also #oer so people searching for OER can find our content.
- Click the calendar icon to schedule the date and time for your Tweet to go out. Best times are weekdays from 10:00am - noon or 2:00-4:00pm. After selecting the date/time, click "Schedule."
Here are examples of some Tweets:
Just published another @UMichLSA course "Cyberscience: Computational Science and the Rise of the Fourth Paradigm"
Open.Michigan welcomes the @umich Medical School's Department of Emergency Medicine to our OER collection
Thanks to @UMichLSA for sharing these materials and helping preserve a culture & language
Dr. Jody Lori, U-M School of Nursing, is now sharing her course on Global Health with a Global Audience.
Taking Spanish? Feeling intimidated by the subjunctive, confused about passive voice? Prof. Pollard explains.
Now Avail: More lectures from Ghana Emergency Medicine Collaborative w/ Komfo Hospital in Ghana & UM @UM_SPH @oerafrica
Announcing the new Course on Facebook
- Go to Facebook and log in as The password for Facebook is available in the ET wiki (you'll be prompted to authenticate).
- Paste the link for the course or resource landing page into the Facebook "Status" field.
- After a few moments, an image and some text from the course description will appear. If more than one image is available for display, click the arrow keys until you see the one you want. Please select the main landing page image.
- You may now replace (type over) the link in the "Status" field with some descriptive text. Suggestions include "Dr. Jody Lori is now sharing her course on Global Health with a Global Audience" or "Our thanks to Dr. Joel J. Gagnier and the University of Michigan School of Public Health for sharing this course on Open.Michigan!". If the faculty member is on Facebook, be sure to put an "@" in front of their name, so the announcement will post on his/her wall as well. If you mention a department name in the status posting, you should also use "@" to see if that department has a Facebook presence also.
Notify Flickr Account Holders that you Used their Image
If you selected a CC licensed image from Flickr to use on the course landing page, it is a good practice to notify the Flickr account holder that we are using their image and thank them for openly licensing it. This will hopefully encourage them not to remove or change the license, and may encourage others to start the practice themselves.
- Log on to Flickr using the Open.Michigan account (TIP: if you forget the password for the account, look in CTools --> Enabling Technologies --> Wiki --> PW)
- In Flickr, display the page that has the photo you selected and click "Add to Faves".
- In the comment field, say something along the lines of: "Great photo! And, thanks to your use of a CC [insert license type] license, this image is being used in an Open Educational Resource hosted by the Open.Michigan Initiative here: [insert course URL] " Click on "Post Comment."
Archiving Content to DeepBlue or other Repositories
In addition to publishing our course materials on our Drupal site, we also deposit courses in MLibrary's DeepBlue repository. We do this as a batch deposit approximately once a semester. Instructions for preparing the batch deposit, along with info about other archiving options, are in the "Archiving Content" section of the wiki.
Maintaining a Course
(Need to add info here)
Deleting Files
If you need to delete files from a course or resource, perform the following steps.
- Under the "Materials" tab, click the checkbox next to the item you want to delete.
- Go up to "Bulk Actions" and select "Delete" from the pull down menu. Then click "Execute".
- You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this row. Please note that when you delete a row, all the files associated with it will also be deleted. (If you plan to re-add the files later, you might want to highlight and copy the title now so you can paste it into the title field when you add the files again.) Click "Confirm".
- That row, and all the files associated with it have been removed from the file system.
Please Note: When you edit a row, you'll see "Remove" listed under each filename. When you select "Remove", the record for this item will no longer be displayed in the database list. However, the file has not been deleted and is still in the system. Later, if you upload a new file with the same name as the one you "removed" using this method, the system will append a number at the end of the URL (e.g., "lecture1_0.pdf").