Quiz Script

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These are instructions for creating an interactive, HTML-based text quiz with multiple choice question from a single text file. This script is meant to be used with one of the HTML templates created by Cary Engleberg, such as http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17326187/file_view_template.zip or http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17326187/demo_interactive_template.zip.

1. Install Perl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads. Perl is a programming language. It is free to download.

2. Download the Perl script CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17326187/CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl. This is what you will run to generate the HTML version of the quiz. You do not need to edit this file.

3. Download examplequiz.txt: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17326187/examplequiz.txt

4. Create a text file with your desired questions, using the format laid out in examplequiz.txt. Note that you should not number the quiz questions (1, 2, 3) or responses (a, b, c) in the text file. Save with the extension .txt

a. If Windows, edit in jEdit (freely available from http://www.jedit.org). Do NOT use Notepad or Word Pad, it will interfere with the line breaks and the resulting HTML will not be correct.
b. In Mac OS, use an editor such as Smultron, TextEdit, jEdit, vi, or emacs.

5. Download the quiz header pages quiz_script_files.zip: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17326187/quiz_script_files.zip. Unzip the file. You should see a folder called quiz_script_files with two files: quiz_header.html and feedback_header.html.

6. Move to the quiz text file, the Perl script, and the quiz_script_files folder to the self_assessment folder in the OER module for which you are doing the script.

7. Copy the path to the Perl script.

a. In Windows, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the file. Right Click on the file and select Properties. Highlight the Location (e.g. C:\Users\Kath\Downloads\cases_in_microbiology\self_assessment) and copy (Ctrl + C).
b In Mac OS, open Finder and navigate to the file. Right click on the file and select Properties. Highlight the Where (e.g. /Users/kludewig/Downloads/cases_in_microbiology/self_assessment) and copy (Apple + C).

8. Open Terminal or Command Prompt.

a. In Windows, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
b. In Mac OS, go to Application Explorer > Terminal.

9. Change to the folder with the script. Type "cd " (without the quotes). Paste the path. Press Enter.

10. Type "perl CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl". Press Enter. This shows you the instructions.

11. Run the script

a. In Windows, do "Perl CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl -f examplequiz.txt -w" (substituting the name of your quiz file). Press Enter. Answer Y to the prompt asking you if you would like to delete quiz_answers
b. In Mac OS, do "Perl CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl -f examplequiz.txt" (substituting the name of your quiz file). Press Enter.

12. Verify the results.

a. In Windows: In your browser, open the file self_assessment\quiz_framesets\quiz_frameset.html within your OER module. Begin the quiz and navigate the questions, answers, and feedback.
b. In Mac OS: In your browser, open the file self_assessment/quiz_framesets/quiz_frameset.html within your OER module. Begin the quiz and navigate the questions, answers, and feedback.

13. Make any necessary changes in the quiz text file and repeat steps 7 - 12 until the quiz appears as you desire.

14. If you would like to add any videos, images, or links to the quiz, you may edit the HTML files using an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver or Eclipse.

15. Optionally, remove the files CreateHTMLQuizFromText.pl and examplequiz.txt from the self-assessment folder before distributing.

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