Main Page
From radmind
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- Radmind Manual for Mac OS X - Gives a full overview of Radmind and a thorough description of the Radmind Assistant. Original version by Ofir Gal.
- Command Line Tutorial - Describes how to use the Radmind client and server tools to maintain a group of machines. This tutorial is slightly Mac OS X oriented, but the lessons are applicable to any Unix platform.
- TLS Cookbook - This cookbook describe how to create an SSL Certificate Authority, issue certificates, and configure Radmind to use SSL Certificates to authenticate the Radmind server and Radmind-managed machines.
- PAM Cookbook - This cookbook describes how to configure and use pluggable authentication modules (PAM) for the Radmind server on Mac OS 10.2 and higher.
Negative Transcripts
- 10.4-desktop-negative.T
- 10.5-desktop-negative.T - A work in progress.