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Article I

Club Name

Raw Strength and Courage Kayak Club

Article II

Mission Statement

The Club encourages meetings between individuals who are interested in pursuing the sport of kayaking.  Members of the Club are provided with the facilities and the opportunity to learn from their peers the skills necessary for safe and enjoyable paddling.  The Club strives to provide members with all equipment necessary to kayak in most weather and water conditions.

Article III


All students and faculty of the University of Michigan, as well as any other member of the community, may join the Club regardless of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.  Membership will be contingent on existence of website profile, payment of all fees appropriate under Article VII, and that no violation of equipment borrowing policy exists.  In addition, all members must agree to a release of University and Club liability to participate.  Members can overrule any decision of the officers by a 2/3-majority vote, or a petition signed by 2/3 of members.  Instructors are members who have been approved by the instructor committee defined under Article V.

Article IV


  1. The Club has five offices; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor
  2. Officers for the following academic year will be selected by the current President during the Winter Term.  All offices except for the Faculty Advisor must be filled by enrolled students of the University of Michigan.  The Faculty Advisor must be a faculty member of the University.  If any member eligible for a particular position would like to be appointed to that position after the President has announced the appointment but prior to the last day of classes, then an online election will be held prior to the last day of winter classes.
  3. The duties of the President are to be the liaison between the Club and the University, attending or sending delegates to meetings pertinent to the interests of the Club.  The President may revoke membership if fees are unpaid or the person in question has violated equipment or University policy.  The President will assume the duties of any other officer who is absent or negligent.
  4. The Advisor will also function as communicator between the Club and the University as needed.  The primary role of the Advisor is to help with transitioning leadership between academic years.  In addition, the Advisor will grant probationary instructor status until an instructor committee is convened under Article V.
  5. The Vice President must maintain all equipment owned by the Club and govern lending of equipment to qualified members.  Members must have instructor status or have approval from an instructor to check out club equipment.  He/she must establish an equipment policy and display it on the club website and must report violations to the President.
  6. The Secretary is charged with collecting signed release forms from each member.  He/she must provide a list of members who can borrow equipment to the NCRB.  He/she maintains the official membership list and submits it to the Rec Sports Department as required.
  7. The Treasurer should collect and dispense all monies of the Club, and must report to the Secretary the names of paid members.
  8. All officers must actively engage in recruiting new members throughout the year.  In addition, all officers must work to improve the Club website and keep the website updated.  All officers must help maintain the e-mail list, which includes adding new members, processing removal requests, and addressing errors.
  9. The officers of the Club can fill vacancies by appointment.
  10. Officers may be removed by a 2/3-majority vote of members.

Article V


A committee comprised of at least five club instructors will be convened near the end of the Winter Term to decide which members of the Club are eligible for instructor status.  Instructors should have the boat handling skills and judgment necessary for safe execution of any river trip.  The committee must report the names of instructors to the Secretary.  In the event that five instructors are not able to convene or do not exist, then officers will fill the committee size requirement as needed.

Article VI


Non-mandatory meetings are held twice weekly in the NCRB pool, traditionally Thursday evening from 8-10 PM and Sunday morning from 9 AM to Noon.  The purpose of these meetings is to provide a safe environment where all participants can learn more about kayaking and practice their relevant skills.  Practice times are recommended by the President but ultimately decided by the RecSports Department and may change at the start of each semester.  Other practices may be added depending on facility availability and participation levels.  In addition, the Club sponsors one or more river trips during the fall and winter semesters, which new members must attend before being able to borrow Club equipment.  Competitive teams are selected subject to rules postulated by an ad hoc team selection committee.  The officers comprise the committee.

Article VII


Fees are set by a majority decision of the officers in accordance with University policy and relative to equipment and administrative costs.  Dues cover participation fees, website administration costs, equipment acquisition and repair, and recruiting expenses.  Membership dues of $50 must be paid annually.  All memberships expire on the first day of classes in the semester that the dues were paid, i.e. dues paid during fall 2008 will expire on the first day of classes for the fall 2009 semester.

Article VIII


Donations and any interest relating to the deposit of donations made to the club may only be spent on dues paid for membership in non-profit river stewardship organizations, such as American Whitewater.  Or donated funds may be spent on the purchase of equipment in new condition.

Article IX


The Club Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of members administered on the Club website.  Amended constitutions can be proposed by written petition to the President with a minimum of ten signatures or by any officer.  Only one amended constitution will be considered in any vote.



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