You are hereWelcome To The RSCK Home Page

Welcome To The RSCK Home Page

If you just found us, please read the ABOUT US page to learn about the club and answers to FAQs.

General Information about this website:

  • Feel free to browse around.  To view members-only information and post events, you will need a Umich unique name and Kerberos password.  If you don't already have one, you can obtain a friend account here :
  • Login (upper left panel) using your Umich unique name and Kerberos password.  Some errors will appear the first time you login.  This is becuase you have not filled out your profile. To do this, please click on the 'My Account' link (upper left panel) and complete the profile information.
  • Once logged in, you can 'Create content' (post events, media, and trip reports) using the 'Quick Link' block on the left!

Paddle On, 

         Nate (Webmaster)