"Medium is the Message"

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“The medium is the message” is a phrase created by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. Due to McLuhan’s notably complex writing style, the aphorism is often misconstrued or misunderstood; however, the phrase has become a common cornerstone in the study of digital humanities.


Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan was born in Edmonton, Canada in 1911. He studied at University of Manitoba and Cambridge.[1] McLuhan has published a number of books most notably The Gutenberg Galaxy, Understanding Media: Extensions of Man, and 'The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects. He served as a professor at St. Michael’s College, and was a noted lecturer at multiple other academic institutions. As his popularity as a media scholar rose, McLuhan began being brought in to give talks to top executives at major corporations.[2]


Though expanded upon throughout the book, the phrase “the medium is the message” means that content and medium are intertwined, so the central message or effect of something is not in the content it carries, but in the way it is presented. This would be good to add to the lead section. McLuhan applies the statement to a number of technologies, mediums, and social and historical contexts. For example, in the book ""Understanding Media: Extensions of Man"", he relates the concept to electric light, calling it “pure information”. [3] Throughout his source text, McLuhan states that the message of the medium is the “change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs”. [3]The actual content of a piece of technology is not what proves what it means, but the technology is defined by the way it interacts with society as a whole. For example, the landmark advancement of the creation of written word is not defined by the words written, but how the technology changed the cultures it was introduced into. Advancements in technology of communication, he states, are the driving force behind societal change - not what is being communicated. [3]

Notable Examples

Another notable example that McLuhan presents in the text is the electric light, a medium he claims has no direct content within itself, but has a message and dramatic cultural impact in the effects it had on society. With the invention of electric light, hours of darkness became instantly more usable, therefore changing to societal landscape. It is within this change that the message of electric light comes. McLuhan frequently defines medium as “hot” and “cool”. A “hot” mediums are highly detailed and thorough, and able to stand alone. “Cool” mediums require audience participation to be fully realized. As McLuhan clarified in the Playboy article[4]: “A ‘hot’ medium excludes and a ‘cool’ medium includes.” A photograph would be an example of a hot medium, because it provides a high definition description of what it is conveying. A cartoon would be a cool medium, because it requires the viewer to supplement the rough sketch with their own perception and information.

The Book

Image:16001406018_c2df2485ce.jpg "Understanding Media: Extensions of Man" was published in 1964 by McGraw-Hill. The book focuses mainly on 20th-century advancements in technology - the television, telegraph, radio, etc. - to detail the changing landscape of simultaneous communication in society. The book was widely praised upon its release. The book was a best seller in paperback, selling hundreds of thousands of copies. Is there a way you could get an exact number? This needs a citation.

Playboy Interview

McLuhan famously detailed his statement in a March 1969 Playboy Magazine interview. Subtitled “A candid conversation with the high priest of popcult and metaphysician of media” (CITE), the 25 page interview goes in-depth with McLuhan on his theories and writings, as well as on his beliefs about the rising drug culture and sexual liberation of the late 1960s.Within the interview, Do you think that maybe both of these sections could be combined? I don’t think this is really relevant to the medium is the message. This section would go better in just a McLuhan page. Maybe write about how the concept was received by the public instead.

Critical Response

“The medium is the message” - as well as other ideas of McLuhan’s have been met with many critical responses, both positive and negative. Dwight McDonald is cited as one of the most vocal detractors of McLuhan’s work, calling it "impure nonsense, nonsense adulterated by sense" and filled with “contradictions, non-sequiturs, facts that are distorted and facts that are not facts, exaggerations, and chronic rhetorical vagueness”. (CITE) Many critics Watch weasel phrases have responded to McLuhan’s “the medium is the message” and other ideas put forth by the surrounding text by saying McLuhan too loosely defines “medium”, and confusing various channels of communication that are on differing levels of technology. Does Mcluhan respond to any of his critics? If so, his response might be appropriate here.


  1. ttp://proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=funk&AN=MA008100&site=eds-live
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/books/97/11/02/home/mcluhan-magazine.html
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. N
  4. http://www.nextnature.net/2009/12/the-playboy-interview-marshall-mcluhan/

-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_medium_is_the_message https://www.nytimes.com/books/97/11/02/home/mcluhan-magazine.html http://proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=funk&AN=MA008100&site=eds-live http://www.jstor.org.proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/stable/40061070 http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/classes/188/spring07/mcluhan.pdf http://www.psmag.com/nature-and-technology/medium-message-50-years-later-91552