Corinne draft two

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A Blog is a type of digital media published on the World Wide Web that is composed of entries meant to inform or converse with the audience. Blogs can be written by a single individual or by a group of people and tend to focus on a single subject. Blog entries (or posts) are not limited by size and can contain several hundred words or as few as a couple hundred characters. A person who edits a blog site is referred to as a blogger.

Ignacio Siles, of Northwestern University, says "blogs represent a means for presenting introspective thinking, a record of daily events, a tool for political mobilization, a journalistic project, an open-ended literary experiment, a constant exhibition of images and videos and, in many cases, a combination of all the above."[1] Blogs give bloggers the ability to deliver content in various forms that can be tailored to best reach the target audience.



Blogs were originally called weblogs, a term invented by John Barger in 1997, until Peter Merholz announced that he planned to pronounce the word as "wee-blog" in 1999, which was then shortened to "blog." The use of blogs started off as limited due to the fact that knowledge of HTML coding was required but this changed in 1999 when Pitas, a build-your-own-weblog tool, was launched.[2]


Blogs can be separated into different types based on subject matter, size, and media used to create the blog post.

Personal blogs

Input info


Microblogging is a form of blogging that consists of posts that have restrictions on length or the amount of space each post can take up.[3] The limited space allotted for the posts has brought about the use of internet slang such as "TTYL," which stands for "talk to you later," and the shortening of words like using the letter "u" in place of the word "you." Part of the growing popularity of microblogging is that it offers a method of communication which gives the blog a more naturalistic feel that appeals to both bloggers and the audience.[4] Some examples of microblogging are Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

Business blogs

info here

Political blogs

more info





Sources still looking through (section only on draft)

External Links


  1. Siles, Ignacio (2011). "From online filter to web format: Articulating materiality and meaning in the early history of blogs"
  2. Blood, Rebecca (September 7, 2000). "Weblogs: A History and Perspective"
  3. "Microblogging"
  4. "7 Things You Should Know About Microblogging" 2009-07-07.
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