Eyman, Doug

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Doug Eyman is an associate professor in the English Department at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He directs the university’s Ph.D. in Writing and Rhetoric, master of arts concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric, and undergraduate Professional Writing minor.[1]

Eyman is also senior editor and publisher of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. He is author of the 2015 digital book Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice, which aims to answer the question, “What is digital rhetoric?” by considering new and old rhetorical theories, research methods, scholarship, and pedagogy.[2]

Eyman’s research interests include teaching in digital environments, electronic publication and new media scholarship. He has written on digital literacies, usability practices, and rhetoric in video games—specifically the development of ethos in online role-playing games.[3]

Eyman holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Writing from Michigan State University, a Master of Arts in English from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Wittenberg University.[4] At the beginning of his career, he intended to become a high school English teacher, but he said his focus shifted after he developed an interest in “the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.” [5]

Selected Publications

Eyman, D. (2015). Digital rhetoric: Theory, method, practice. University of Michigan Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.13030181.0001.001

Eyman, D., & Ball, C. (2014). Composing for digital publication: Rhetoric, design, code. Composition Studies, 42(1), 114-177.

Eyman, D., & Davis, A. (Eds.). (2016). Play/write: Digital rhetoric, writing, games. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

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