Cultural Rhetoric

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Culture Rhetoric study involves making sense out of practices and customs, usually, items that are associated with a particular culture especially through their way of life such as literature, books, dances, arts, books, building, landscapes. When the term Culture Rhetoric is in use, it is done to highlight the direction of a custom constellation procedural and academic frames in which we engross in our intellectual and educational practices. Those structures are usually drawn after and through studies like Rhetoric and Composition Studies. Most of the Ethical Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Post or Decolonization and other studies have some association with Culture Rhetoric. Culture rhetoric involves using as well as blending the style and language that a particular group of people use to communicate. The use of traditional rhetoric in this content is not mainly use because it takes away the true meaning of the content that is been spoken about or communicated to the audience. The uniqueness of the language makes it fun to understand by the natives but may same strange to a person who is not familiar with that language or style.

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