Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture

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enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture (ISSN: 1525-3120) is an online refereed journal devoted to contemporary theories of rhetoric, writing, and culture, and invites submissions on rhetoric, composition, media, technology, and education. The journal keeps the traditional feel and usability of the print journal with issues, tables of contents, and articles while also allowing for faster publication of content by operating on rolling submissions. enculturation publishes scholarly articles, sonic projects, reviews, and responses.

Scholarly articles and sonic projects are blind peer-reviewed and considered for publication on the understanding that they are not under consideration elsewhere. In terms of articles, the journal is open to alternative modes of scholarly production--from traditional articles to films to comics to critical fiction to webtexts.

enculturation also invites theoretically-grounded rhetorical scholarship that consists primarily of sound. While projects may include written components, audio files (or other sound-based media and formats) should take center stage. Submitters will be responsible for creating accessibility materials for a project should it be accepted.

Reviews should evaluate works that have made significant contributions to the field of rhetoric, writing, and culture, which can include traditional books, essays, or alternative digital projects. Reviews can take the form of traditional texts or experimental multimedia.

enculturation also invites responses that take up contemporary events, controversies, topics, themes, terms, and ideas and respond to them through short essays or media projects. These works are theoretically informed but publicly accessible for wider audiences.

enculturation publishes special themed and guest-edited issues as well as essays that are longer than journal articles but shorter than monographs. Special issues can be devoted to timely topics, important figures, and particular subject areas, as well as engage in intersectional approaches to disability, gender, sexuality, class, race, among others.

The journal's special section Intermezzo invites writers to consider a variety of topics from within and without academia, and to be creative in their use of the liminal space between the article and the monograph. Authors are encouraged to experiment with form, style, content, and medium in order to break down the barrier between the scholarly and the creative.

The journal is edited by Byron Hawk.

[edit] Journal History

[1]enculturation began in 1996 at the University of Texas at Arlington with Byron Hawk and David Rieder as founding co-editors. The journal grew along with the web. As a two-person team, Byron and David produced six issues, and after David stepped down as co-editor in 2003, Byron continued to produce issues as a boutique journal published at George Mason University. In 2008 the editorial team began to grow. Jim Brown came on as managing editor and brought new energy to the journal. In 2011 Casey Boyle came on as book review editor and quickly moved up to managing editor along with Jim. Their efforts expanded the journal’s scope and solidified its consistent publication. Today the journal is generously supported by the University of South Carolina and sports its largest editorial staff to date.

[edit] References

  1. http://enculturation.net/about
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