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Back to Changing the Bioghist labels


This is a replacement for the base FindaidClass GetBioghistTocHead which uses the first <head> element in the <bioghist> for the Table of Contents and region labels for the <bioghist> instead of the Bentley practice of relying on the label attribute of the <archdesc> to determine the label for the <bioghist> See $DLXSROOT/cgi/f/findaid/FindaidClass/ for the full code.

#  Replacement to use <head> within Biohist for label
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# NAME         : GetBioghistTocHead
# PURPOSE      :
# CALLS        :
# INPUT        :
# RETURNS      :
# GLOBALS      :
# NOTES        : The original code in the base class uses a query based on the encoding 
#                practice of the Bentley Historical Library at the University of
#                 Michigan. Though the distinction between
#                "collections" (papers of indiviudals) and "records" or "record group"
#                (records of organizations) is an archival distinction, the use of the
#                archdesc attribute to determine the label is probably a BHL idiosyncracy.
#                Our practice goes back to early discussions that whenever possible the
#                system / stylesheet should supply standard headings. 
#                Most libraries probably hard code a <head>, in which case it would be  necessary to
#                overide this method in as is done in the example subclass below.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub GetBioghistTocHead
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $cgi ) = @_;

    my $headText = '';
    $headText = $self->GetSelfKeyInfo( 'bioghistheader' );
    if ( $headText )
        return $headText;

    my $tocheadsHashRef = $self->GetSelfKeyInfo( 'tocheads' );

    # get properly idno properly formatted for query
    my $idno    = ( $cgi->param( 'idno' ) || $cgi->param( 'didno' ) );
    $idno = $self->GetQueryFactory()->pat50TruncationHandler( $idno );

    # get region in which to look for idno
    my $idnoRgn;
    my $tm = $self->GetTermMapper( );
    ASSERT( $idnoRgn = $tm->map( 'IDNO', 'synthetic', 'native' ),
            qq{ID not defined in map: } . $tm->GetMapfileName() );

    my $xpat = $self->FindXPatContainingIdno( $idno );
    #Modifications to the base class version start here. 
    # Instead of the query that looked for the "level" attribute of the <archdesc>
    # we use a query to get the first <head> within <bioghist>
    # If it is not found we use the default label in the tocheads above.

    # subset1.1 to get the first head in case there are more than one?
    my $query = qq{pr.region."head" subset.1.1 (region "head" within (region "bioghist" within  (region main incl ( $idnoRgn incl $idno )) ));};

    my ( $error, $head ) =  $xpat->GetSimpleResultsFromQuery( $query );
    &DlpsUtils::StripAllRSetCruft( \$head );

    if ($head)
        #use default 
        $headText = $$tocheadsHashRef{ 'bioghist-t' };
    $self->{ 'bioghistheader' } = $headText;
    return $headText;
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