From openmichigan
Brainstorming on what open content to feature
large content areas capture on
Contents |
[edit] cards
a card = picture + url
course cards
- 3 endocrine lecture cards - link to eduCommons (garin)
- 1
SI 508 card - link to lada's site(Media:Si508card.jpg - pieter) (check with Lada) - 1
Controls engineering wikibook - link to wikibook(Media:Controlswikibook.png - pieter) - 1
SI 646 card - link to eduCommons(Media:Information_economics.jpg) - 1
SI 532 card - link to eduCommons(Media:US_capitol_rotunda.jpg)
internal nav cards
- 1
projects card(Media:Beakers.jpg - tim) - 1
community card(Media:Friendships_II.jpg - tim) - 1
education card(Media:The_world_is_your_oyster_now.jpg - tim) - 1
blog card(Media:Blog_screenshot.jpg - tim)- taken by tvol, CC-BY]
participants cards (internally hosted)
- 1 shotwell video card (dentistry)
- 1 d'silva video card (dentistry)
- 1 johnson video card (dentistry)
- 1 polverini video card (dentistry)
- 1 mendez video card (sph)
- 1 wolliscroft video card (med)
- 1 king video card (joseph)
- 2 video cards: OCW speaker series
- Chuck Vest talk on OCW @ U-M
- Shigeru Miyagawa talk on OCW @ U-M
participants cards (externally hosted)
- 1 stern card - link to stern talk@med (med)
- 1 medical school card - link to med school (pieter) Media:Umich_bio_medical_research_building.jpg
- 1 dentistry card - link to dental school (dentistry)
- 1 sph card - link to sph (sph)
- 1 SPO card - link to spo (shana)
- 1 SI card - link to si (joseph)
collaborators cards (externally hosted)
- 1
OCW blog card(Media:Ocwblog.png - pieter) - 1
OERblogs card(Media:Oer_blogs.jpg - tim) - 1
OCWC card(Media:Ocwc.png - pieter) - 1
creative commons card(Media:Cc.logo.png - pieter) (can get svg or eps) - 1
ccLearn card(Media:Cclearn.logo.png - pieter) - 1
Stanford CIS card(Media:Stanford_cis.jpg - tim) - 1 Hewlett card (joseph)
projects cards
- 1
dScribe card - link to dScribe project(Media:DScribe_tvol.jpg - garin) (garin) - 1 Global Access card - link to GA project (int) (ted)
- 1 MBooks project card - link to MBooks site (ext) (joseph) Media:Mbooks.jpg
- 1 Mary Sue Coleman talk card on MBooks project (ext) (joseph)
- 1 digital culture books card (ext) (shana)
- 1
BlueStream card(ext) (Media:BlueStream.png - pieter) - 1
Deep Blue card(ext) (Media:Deepblue_new.png - pieter) - 1
Fair Use card(int) (Media:Fairuse1.jpg - tim)- from EFF, licensed
- alternative card for Fair Use: Media:Fairuseposse_card.jpg - pieter
- 1 ENCORE card (int) (ted)
- 1
Sakai Project card(ext) (Media:Sakaiger.png - tim)- Chuck Severance, licensed
- 1
SiteMaker card(ext) (Media:Sitemaker_card1.png - pieter) - 1
oaister card(ext) (Media:Oaister_card.gif - pieter)
downloadable resource cards
- 1
dscribe slideset card(Media:OMslides_card.026.png - pieter) - 1 OER slideset card (joseph)
- 1
workflow chart card(Media:Workflow_card.png - pieter) - 1
dscribe poster card(options: Media:Poster_card.png or Media:Poster_card2.jpg - pieter)
other/questionable cards
- 1 facebook card - link to open.michigan group
- 1 participants nav card?
- 1 collaborators nav card?
Med School card suggestions?
[edit] More Ideas
- star lecture?
- blog
- link to bezak wiki
- 3 minute short video blurbs from
- john king
- stephanie teasley
- mary sue coleman
- ted hanss
- jim duderstadt
- chuck severance
- dan atkins
- martha pollack
- david stern
- dean wolliscroft
- jane blumenthal
- victor wong
- dean polayni - dental school
- emily springfield
- michael cohen
- paul courant
- jim ottaviani
- lynn johnson
- students
- all the health sciences deans
- exemplar faculty like David Mendez
[edit] Resources
- joseph's slides from talks over past 2 years
- garin's dscribe slides - potentially a video
- dscribe workflow charts
- dscribe poster
- Mary Sue Coleman talk on google book search project
- Potential audio/video of Mary Sue Coleman on Africa trip
- David Stern talk
- OCW speaker series (shorten these)
- Chuck Vest talk on OCW @ U-M
- Shigeru Miyagawa talk on OCW @ U-M
- joseph is in charge of getting these videos
- links to Vincent Duffy's Coverage of the Africa Trip:
[edit] Course content
- will redirect to educommons site
- endocrine sequence (3 lectures)
- si course possibilities:
- jeff - si680, si646
- chuck - si539
- paul - si615
- joan - si623