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OERca2 Reviewer Module

[edit] overview

Prior to exporting the processed objects, users will want to review the work they have done in OERca. They may also want to invite others to review that work and make suggestions on any remaining objects that need processing. The review module will provide this functionality as a final phase in the main workflow of OERca. One tool that our team will probably not build, but would be nice, would be a tool that allows the user to make final edits within the native file that will be exported. For instance, if I replace three objects in a file, it would be nice to see those objects inside that file and be able to adjust some of the formatting within the file before exporting it for publication. The review module will also take advantage of the export tool, which will allow the user to decide on the destination for the objects, the package type, and will employ our document recomposition component that will recreate your document based on the processing of the objects within it.

[edit] functionality

  • add objects or documents for pre-editing review
  • automatically brings in cleared documents for pre-edit review
  • view context images of pages along with objects and their associated metadata and clearing actions
  • comment on each page within a document, or each object under review
  • add objects or documents for pre-publishing review
  • compare selected (2) documents or objects for comparison
  • comment on each page of document or object in comparison
  • check for instructor review
  • check for publisher review
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