From openmichigan
[edit] May 29, 2009
- Pre-populate users (faculty/students) or allow on the fly?
[edit] Previous
- What are the artifacts that needs to be tagged with ILO's?
- Who and how do they get tagged?
- Can students post ILO's?
- What kind of views do the students need to make sense of the ILO's
- By Presenting Complaint?
- By Date?
- By Resources?
- By Encounters?
- By Journals?
- By Case Studies?
- Is tagging in scope for existing courseware/sequences?
- Sorting/Filtering of Encounters? Status of Encounter - (i) Observation Complete (ii) Debrief pending ...
- How do we answer the Student's question - What are we lacking?
- Is the Clinical Writeup different than Reflective Writeup? If yes, how do we account for reflections?
- Who associates ILO's with Encounter or any other Event?