Syntax Files
From radmind
[edit] Vim
To get a bit of highlighting using the Vim text editor you will need the following three files (or edit existing files you may have). This has been tested only with Vim 7+, and no claims exist to the quality of these files (please improve them :).
In order to get Vim to recognize the Radmind config and transcript files, you need to tell it to associate those files with certain highlighting scripts. These commands need to be saved in a file called ~/.vim/filetype.vim
augroup filetypedetect
au BufRead,BufNewFile /var/radmind/config set filetype=radmind
au BufRead,BufNewFile /var/radmind/command/*.K set filetype=radmind
au BufRead,BufNewFile /var/radmind/transcript/*.T set filetype=radmind_transcript
augroup END
au syntax radmind source $VIMRUNTIME/radmind.vim
au syntax radmind_transcript source $VIMRUNTIME/radmind_transcipt.vim
This is the actual syntax definition for config and command files. This should be saved in ~/.vim/syntax/radmind.vim
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match radmindComment /\s*#.*/
syn match radmindCommand /\S*\.K\s/
syn match radmindCommand /\S*\.K$/
syn match radmindKType /\<k\>/
syn match radmindPType /\<p\>/
syn match radmindNType /\<n\>/
syn match radmindSType /\<s\>/
syn match radmindOpr /^[+-]\s/
" Link up our terms with the actual terms
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink radmindComment Comment
HiLink radmindCommand Include
HiLink radmindOpr Operator
HiLink radmindKType Include
HiLink radmindPType StorageClass
HiLink radmindNType Debug
HiLink radmindSType Exception
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "radmind"
This is the syntax definition for transcript files. This should be saved in ~/.vim/syntax/radmind_transcript.vim
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match radmindTranscriptComment "\s*#.*"
syn match radmindTranscriptOpr "^[+-]\s" nextgroup=radmindTranscriptType skipwhite
syn match radmindTranscriptTypeFile "\<[hlfa]\>"
syn match radmindTranscriptTypeOther "\<[dcbpsD]\>"
" Link up our terms with the actual terms
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink radmindTranscriptComment Comment
HiLink radmindTranscriptOpr Special
HiLink radmindTranscriptTypeFile Include
HiLink radmindTranscriptTypeOther Statement
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "radmind"