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Revision as of 15:18, 24 April 2008 by Jaharmi@jaharmi.com (Talk | contribs)
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# Exclude system files that unnecessarily tripwire
x ./Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/.DSIsRunning

# PCIE cards
x ./Library/Preferences/com.apple.PCIE.plist

# Related to Apple's displays, when they have their USB cables connected
# to the computer, as with the Apple Studio Display 21
x ./Library/Preferences/com.apple.driver.AppleUSBDisplays.plist

# Chosen keyboard type if you see the Keyboard Assistant while using
# a non-Apple keyboard (such as through a KVM)
x ./Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboardtype.plist

# Exclude dump(8) crud
x ./private/etc/dumpdates

# Exclude prebinding cache files
# dyld_share_cache files come in i386 and powerpc flavors
x ./private/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_* 
# Is there more than an *.applesaved version of this file?
x ./private/var/db/dyld/update-prebinding-paths.txt.*

# Exclude the locate(1) database
x ./private/var/db/locate.database

# Exclude all whatis(1) databases
x ./usr/*/man/whatis

# Exclude all .DS_Store files
x */.DS_Store

# Exclude non-english Localized Project Folders
x */Danish.lproj
x */Dutch.lproj
x */Finnish.lproj
x */French.lproj
x */German.lproj
x */Italian.lproj
x */Japanese.lproj
x */Korean.lproj
x */Norwegian.lproj
x */Portuguese.lproj
x */Russian.lproj
x */Spanish.lproj
x */Swedish.lproj
x */cs.lproj
x */da.lproj
x */de.lproj
x */en_AU.lproj
x */en_CA.lproj
x */en_GB.lproj
x */es.lproj
x */fi.lproj
x */fr.lproj
x */hu.lproj
x */it.lproj
x */ja.lproj
x */jp.lproj
x */ko.lproj
x */nl.lproj
x */no.lproj
x */pl.lproj
x */pt.lproj
x */pt_BR.lproj
x */pt_PT.lproj
x */ru.lproj
x */ru_RU.lproj
x */sv.lproj
x */ta.lproj
x */tr.lproj
x */zh_CN.lproj
x */zh_TW.lproj
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