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BounceApp is a tool [1] that can

  • Generate a screenshot of any working webpage
  • Create a space for users to click and drag on any part of the webpage and write a comment about it
  • Generate a stable URL for users to access the comments any time they would like

Users can enter the URL of the webpage they want to comment on in the BounceApp page ( to generate a screenshot and enter comments. Users can enter in a name that will appear alongside their comments and a title and then click anywhere on the webpage to create a comment.

BounceApp with Comments
BounceApp with Comments

Through these functions, BounceApp supports revising website content. With such functions, its uses include:[2]

  • for students to give feedback to each other on webpages, whether it’s for an e-portfolio or any other kind of web design activity,
  • for colleagues to comment on each other's online materials, whether websites or blogs.

[edit] LMS Integration

While BounceApp does not integrate into Learning Management Systems, it generates URLs, which can link URLs into learning management content.

[edit] Accessibility

For vision-impaired students, BounceApp is not accessible. The comments are not compatible with screen-reading software.

[edit] References

  1. BounceApp Home Page
  2. Tool Review Tuesday: BounceApp
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