Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics

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[1]The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics (ISSN: 2472-7318) is a completely online, open-access journal featuring essays and other items that examine multimodality in all of its cultural, material, temporal, and pedagogical manifestations. While the journal welcomes work that focuses on the digital, it stresses that multimodality does not automatically refer to digital tools or the use of specific (new) media. The journal is especially interested in perspectives that complicate typical views of multimodality and that highlight those traditional multimodal practices and praxes that sustain cultures and everyday lives. The journal welcomes compositions that draw attention to the political dimensions of under/privileged modes and the ways that media perpetuate or contest dominant attitudes and hegemonic norms.

The journal publishes discussions (articles), dialogues (interviews), reviews, and re-views.

The journal is edited by Christina V. Cedillo and M. Melissa Elston. The journal publishes twice a year, in spring and fall.

[edit] Journal History

The idea for this journal stems from many a conversation about current problems facing junior and minority scholars by the founding editors. Along with hoping to foster a friendlier atmosphere when it comes to the publishing process, they also seek to create greater transparency into the knowledge-making ways of academia and help to make more of this knowledge public. Thet believe these aims to be of the utmost importance to women scholars and scholars from marginalized groups because oftentimes, their research interests reflect their personal identities and those of their respective communities, and yet, writing for those communities is typically regarded as a side note rather than a fundamental goal.

The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics first issue was published in Spring 2017.

[edit] References

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