Textshop Experiments

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[1]Textshop Experiments (ISSN: 2377-9039) is an open access journal that aims to extend the work of Gregory Ulmer and to foster experimental works that invent, operate in, or analyze the apparatus of Electracy. The journal welcomes innovative and hybrid works in new media and original scholarship on reading and writing, rhetoric, and culture.

According to the journal's founding editors, the overall goal of the journal is to create a space for scholars, writers, artists, film-makers, teachers, and students to gather, discuss, and engage with ideas and practices not readily welcomed at other venues or academic journals. It is a place to play and invent. It is a chance to share experiences and experiments. It is an opportunity to open the textshop.

The journal publishes essays, reviews, and multi-modal projects on digital culture and Internet studies.

The journal is edited by K. A. Wisniewski and Felix Burgos. The journal publishes biannually (January, June).

[edit] Journal History

This first issue of Textshop Experiments was published in Summer 2016.

[edit] References

  1. http://textshopexperiments.org/
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