OERca2 Functionality

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OERca2 Functionality

(see the OERca 2 proposal doc for more information on this)

(also see the Action Lists for these functions)

[edit] Version 2 or future functionality

1- document decomposition (office docs, then pdf)

2- document recomposition (office docs)

  • remove COs/slides: remove any images or slides tagged for deletion
  • replace specified COs: insert any replacement images into the document at the required page
  • add title slide: insert a title page/slide into the document
  • add citation text: insert formatted citation text as reference for each CO
  • add license info: insert formatted license information as reference for licensed COs

3- faculty review of materials

  • Interface for letting faculty or other material authors to quickly review changes to their materials, grant permission for publishing or annotate the materials to specify any disapproval.

4- user-defined stamps interface

  • drag-and-drop interface for content: allows the basic movement of content through the workflow with user-defined organization (stamps)

5- faceted search/filtering by stamps and other metadata.

6- CTools/Sakai --- OERca bridge

  • CTools content import: imports materials and associated course, instructor, and material metadata from CTools

7- multiple roles for individual users

  • give OERca users ability to maintain multiple roles for different courses (e.g. a dScribe for course 1 and a dScribe2 for course 2)

8- reporting/auditing

  • stats about use and content

9- search

  • content object search field: allow users to search for content objects based on any available metadata

10- social clearing/processing

  • enable users to share the workload of a course by using a crowdsource model for finding replacements, creating content, adding metadata, etc.

11- electronic licensing

  • online permission form for content

12- openID/Shiboleth

13- messaging/notification system

14- video processing

15- database redesign

16- data model design (version 2)

  • design a new data model for OERca v2

17- content import

  • needs to bring in content from multiple platforms in designated packages (IMS CP, IMS CC, ZIP, single file of all types, Blackboard/WebCT, others)

18- content export

  • needs to package and ship content to multiple platforms (Flickr, YouTube, Sakai, Moodle, iTunesU, others)

This is a dated list, expanded above.

  • Final review for instructor
  • Automated assistance for dScribe publishing
  • Messaging/notification system
  • CTools/sakai bridge (import, export?)
  • Built-in decision-making (algorithm for recommending actions for COs)
  • Electronic organization of instructor, student, and 3rd party permissions
  • Personalized management of content (Jacob's bins)
  • Dashboard or quick glance status indicators
  • Web 2.0, 3.0 features (community search, community forum, internal searching, divide tasks)
  • Interface with Moodle, other LMSs
  • Interface with Connexions, other instructional design systems
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