October 15th - Team Meeting 5

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dScribe meeting - Oct 15, 2008

Preparation for the meeting

1. Review the DScribe Task List
2. Upload course materials in their native forms (.doc, .ppt) to OERca (OERca Instructions).
3. Extract the context images (e.g. page or PowerPoint images) to OERca (Content Capture Instructions)
4. Capture the content objects (COs) and add them to OERca (Content Capture Instructions)
5. Analyze the copyright of each object using the RAD tree (https://open.umich.edu/wiki/images/c/c9/WORKFLOW.pdf)
6. Search for replacement objects or recreate content if necessary. (Open Content Search)
7. Keep track of how much time you spend on each of these tasks. We have a new spreadsheet with a tab for each week (https://open.umich.edu/wiki/images/9/9e/DScribe_Journal_Template.xls) (Home -> Fall 2008 dScribes -> Journal)
8. Many of you have already signed up to come work with us before Wednesday's meeting. Just a reminder, you can sign up at http://doodle.ch/participation.html?pollId=dy7qumck6zgb7qhn.

What to bring to the meeting:

  • Laptop
  • All of the course materials for weeks 1 - 6 in OERca or on your laptop
  • Journal
  • Questions

Here is what we will be covering at the meeting:

  1. . Individual status update and questions (20 min)
  2. . Items to collect (journals) (5 min)
  3. . Example content objects (COs) and what actions to recommend using student's course materials (30 min)
  4. . Review necessary metadata for COs (10 min)
  5. . Walk through OERca - Recommended Action Descriptions (15 min)
  6. . Action Items for next week (5 min)
  1. Sign up for work session for Friday, Monday, or Tuesday: http://doodle.ch/participation.html?pollId=4d2bhec38rybffvi
  2. Be at Editing Materials stage with at least one lecture

Next week:

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