University of Michigan Qualtrics Wiki

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Qualtrics is a generalized survey service permitting the creation of survey instruments, distribution of the surveys, data storage and analysis. It now is available for free to all University of Michigan campuses and units.

Qualtrics is user-friendly but can handle complex designs. Simple surveys can be produced in minutes. Complex studies, involving randomization and embedded and longitudinal data, are possible. Qualtrics offers features that similar survey engines do not. A survey sharing mechanism enables collaboration. “Libraries” can store commonly used surveys, such as course evaluations.

Qualtrics is restricted to university-related work. Conducting research or surveying students, club members or administrative units is acceptable. Using Qualtrics on behalf of outside, for-profit organizations is not, nor is personal use not related to the university. Individuals should ensure their data collection complies with Institutional Review Board standards and the university’s policies regarding e-mail. Data are stored securely on servers maintained at Qualtrics. Individual accounts are password protected, and respondents’ data can be anonymous.


How do I sign up for my free account?

To obtain a Qualtrics account, you should contact the Brand Administrator for your unit. Find your administrator and correct login page here: You must use your as your username to create an account.

Please note that you may have only one account with Qualtrics, so it is important that you identify the correct home unit to which you will be assigned. This does not affect your ability to write surveys that may involve cross-unit cooperation. But your home unit should be with the school or unit where you do most of your survey creation.

Qualtrics Basics

Quick Start Guide for creating, editing, distributing a survey, and viewing survey results

Advanced Topics

Help and Resources

To contribute to the wiki, join the University of Michigan Online Directory (UMOD) group "QualtricsUsers". Then Click "login with CoSign" at the top right to start editing.

For comments, suggestions, or to request help on additional topics, email

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