Viewing Survey Results

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Summary of surveys started and completed appears on the “View Results” tab or through “Results” icons

Clicking the Stats link in the upper right hand corner of the View Reports page will give descriptive statistics on

  • survey completion times,
  • question completion percentages
  • the time of day surveys were completed.


[edit] Reports Basics

(not available for all accounts)

To view a summary of surveys started and completed, click on the “View Results” tab or the “Results” icon next to your survey in “My Surveys”.

  1. View Reports: You will see basic descriptive statistics or text responses for each question and simple charts that are automatically generated by Qualtrics. You can click “Add Graph” or “Add Table” to view your responses in multiple ways. These graphs, tables, and charts can be exported to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDF. You can generate a link to a public report that updates whenever new data is received.
    • Clicking the “stats…” link in the upper right hand corner will give descriptive statistics on survey durations, start times and dates, question completion percentages, and survey completion percentages.
  2. Responses: You will have access to each individual respondent’s data on this page. Each response will be marked with a start time, finish date, and duration. You can mark responses for deletion or to retake the survey. You can also view selected responses side-by-side for comparison.
  3. Download Data: Data can be easily downloaded to Excel or SPSS for analysis by clicking on the appropriate icon. The default Excel data format is comma separated values (.csv). Also available in XML and HTML formats.
  4. Cross Tabulation: Cross Tabs allow you to see the relationship between two categorical variables. Chi-square and p-values are generated.

[edit] View reports

You will see basic descriptive statistics or text responses for each question and simple charts that are automatically generated by Qualtrics. These tables and charts can be downloaded to Word or PowerPoint.

[edit] Stats

Overall stats appear to the right in toolbar. The number of surveys started and completed are provided (includes only survey responses that have been recorded). Click “Stats…” to see more detailed info.

The "Stats…" link gives you information on each survey taker’s duration, start time, start date, question response rates, and survey completion rate.

[edit] Reports

If you would like to see the report Qualtrics generates for you, click Initial Report.

In the Qualtrics Report, you will see your list of questions in the left hand column and the data from those questions summarized in the main area of the screen. By default, only one question’s results appears on the screen. You can change this by clicking on Report Options and click on Questions per Page

By default, questions are summarized in tables: one describes each choice and one provides descriptive stats. You can add custom graphs to visualize the data.

[edit] Filtering and Subgroups

To add a subgroup to your report,

  • Click "New subgroup" in the "Show Filters" section above the list of questions on the left
  • Click "sdd a subgroup to this report" at the top of the report.
  • Click on one of the answer choices itself - an automatic subgroup will be formed with that answer choice as a filter.

To remove the filter, click the "x" in the red box at the top of the report.

[edit] Graphs and Tables

Add graphs by clicking on icon to right of question. There are many graph and table options to choose from. If you hover over the graph or table, a menu will show the options available. You can export your graphs and table for easy access in the following formats: Word, Powerpoint, and PDF.

[edit] Report Options

Export Report: Reports can be downloaded in several formats

  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • PDF

[edit] Public Reports

Your report can also be made publicly viewable. Qualtrics provides a link for you. You can customize who has access to this page. The report updates in real time.

[edit] Responses

You will have access to each individual respondent’s data on this page. Each response will be marked with a start and finish date. You can mark responses for deletion and then permanently remove them from the data set.

It is recommended to use "Delete all Survey Test" and "Delete all Survey Preview" Responses before distributing the survey

You can export individual responses to PDF by clicking the PDF icon on the top right of the screen as you view the individual response. Exporting individual responses can also be achieved by creating a subgroup in the Reporting section and then exporting to PDF or other formats.

[edit] Download data

Data can be easily downloaded to Excel or SPSS for analysis by clicking on the appropriate icon. The initial data format will be .csv. Depending on which versions of Excel and SPSS you are using, you may need extra steps for the data to be placed in individual columns or for variable names to be added to the columns

[edit] Excel download

In versions earlier than 2007, you will need to specify that it is a comma delimited file for data to appear properly in the spreadsheet

  • If data are mainly in text format, viewing result in Excel will be difficult.
    • To get a cleaner look at the data, setting up a Word document with mail merge is a good option
    • Reads data from relevant columns and then puts them into a Word document that is much easier to read.

[edit] SPSS download

If you plan to use SPSS to analyze your data, it is advised to have an understandable question numbering system. Changing the label of your question, for example by auto-numbering, only affects the back end of the survey and does not change the results of your survey. Changing the actual text of your question MAY affect survey responses.

  • In version 18.0, click Download an SPSS Sav File. Variable names will still appear as V1, V2 in the header of your dataset when you are in data view.
  • To create variable names into SPSS:
    1. Go to the Variable View in your SAV file
    2. Copy Labels from the Label column
    3. Paste column into the Name column (must highlight all values you would like to copy)
    4. Variable names will now label columns in the Data View tab

WARNING: In order for this method to work seamlessly, labels created in Qualtrics MUST conform to the variable-naming requirements of SPSS

  1. Variable names can be up to 64 characters long, and the first character must be a letter.
  2. Subsequent characters can be any combination of letters, numbers, nonpunctuation characters, and a period.
  3. Variable names cannot contain spaces

[edit] Cross Tabulation

Coming soon....

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